Police Car
In this photo, police cars sit on Main Street in Dallas, Texas, on July 7, 2016. Laura Buckman/AFP/Getty Images

On Jan. 30, Fotis Dulos was declared dead after a suicide attempt at his Farmington residence. His death, which was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, followed a lengthy legal battle due to the May 24 disappearance of his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos. Prior to his passing, Fotis had faced murder and kidnapping charges, which followed previous charges of evidence tampering and hindering prosecution that had been given to both Fotis and his one-time girlfriend, Michelle Troconis.

Now, a new report has indicated that Fotis' legal team has plans to continue moving forward with his potential exoneration, which could including filing "malicious prosecution and legal malpractice lawsuits."

According to the Stamford Advocate, Attorney Kevin Smith, who is working as a member of the criminal defense team, revealed the plans on Tuesday. At the time, he told Farmington Regional Probate Judge Evelyn Daly that the interest of his client should be considered when thinking about the estate.

Additionally, Smith indicated that he believes all criminal charges will be dismissed on March 3. However, a request has been filed that asks court officials "to continue the prosecution with the estate of Fotis Dulos as the defendant as a way of bringing the case to trial," states the outlet.

READ: Missing Connecticut Mom Jennifer Dulos Update: Fotis' 'Allegedly Violent Relationship' Outlined In Search Warrants

Prior to his passing, Fotis had remained a suspect throughout the investigation regarding Jennifer's whereabouts. Not only had previously-unreleased voicemails created new suspicion, but a "new twist" regarding his alibi had also raised additional questions. His attorney, Norm Pattis, had also started to push for his client's trial to begin as soon as possible.

The effort towards exoneration marks the latest legal step in a string of new developments that have followed Fotis' death. Previously, it was reported that attorneys had started "wrangling" over his assets and his family had requested that new information be released. Additionally, police obtained another search warrant as they continued their effort to find the New Canaan, Connecticut mother of five.