• The woman was last in contact with a man she was dating
  • Man claims he dropped her off the next day at her house
  • Woman’s phone was found in a sewer which led to the marsh

The body of a Massachusetts woman has been found by her family in a marsh a few days after she was reported missing.

Sherell Pringle, 40, was last in contact with her family Saturday, when she went out with a man she had been dating. Pringle’s son reported her missing when she did not return home that night.

Pringle’s body was found by her family in the Rumney Marsh Reservation on Tuesday. The Essex District Attorney's Office confirmed the find and said foul play is suspected in her death.

"Everything ties back to (this): he was the last person with her," Pringle's son, Jahmani Larionne said to WCVB. "If you're the last person with somebody that's missing, you should be the first one to help, the first one to the police, the first with everything, but this guy don't want to be in contact with nobody. That's a sign right there."

According to the family, the man said he dropped Pringle off early Sunday morning at her home. But, Larionne said that he was at the house and did not see Pringle at the time the man claims he droped her off.

Pringle’s family found her phone in a sewer Sunday. They then traced her into the marshy area Tuesday morning. Initially, they located her purse in the marsh. Then her body was found lying several feet away from the spot. After finding the body, her family member rushed to a neighboring business and told them to call 911.

"We did everything ourselves. You think the police found her? We found her!" Larionne said to NBC10. Pringle’s family is enraged that they found the body before the police and believe enough wasn't done to find her.

"It's been pure hell," Pringle’s mother Pearl Garner said to WBZ-TV. "I'm a mother, that’s my child. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. I don’t know what’s going on. I feel like the police should be doing much, much more."

A grieving Larionne is urging people to check up with their parents when they go out with someone.

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Representation. A police line. Pixabay