• Jeremy Garnier was arrested in University City, Missouri, for allegedly making terrorist threats at a local restaurant
  • He recorded himself dressed as The Joker for most of the day before he was arrested by police
  • While no weapons or explosives were found on him, authorities said Garnier is considered "a danger to the community"

A man in University City, Missouri, who dressed as Batman villain, The Joker, was in police custody Thursday for allegedly threatening to bomb the town’s entertainment district.

Jeremy Garnier, 48, was formally charged on Tuesday with making a terrorist threat for allegedly threatening to bomb and shoot up Blueberry Hill restaurant in the city’s Delmar Loop neighborhood. He was held without bail.

Garnier reportedly began a Facebook livestream on Monday from his home, speaking to the camera while getting into his Joker costume. He left his home in full costume and makeup, and began driving around Delmar Loop as the livestream recorded his activities. He ended up at the St. Louis Galleria in the neighboring town of Richmond Heights, but was stopped by security who ordered him to leave.

Garnier then kept driving around with the livestream still going and began talking about the opioid crisis in the U.S. He eventually ended up at Blueberry Hill, where he was captured on camera entering and ordering a drink.

Police said they were called shortly after Garnier arrived at the restaurant about someone dressed up like The Joker making threats, which allegedly included shooting up the restaurant and planting bombs in the surrounding neighborhood. Garnier was taken into custody after police arrived while his livestream was still going.

Prosecutors said that while he was not in possession of any bombs or firearms at the time he was arrested, Garnier should still be considered “a danger to the community.”

Is the Joker back? Courtesy/Rocksteady