Host US singer-songwriter Alicia Keys and Boyz II Men sing in memory of late NBA legend Kobe Bryant at the start of the Grammys
Host US singer-songwriter Alicia Keys and Boyz II Men sing in memory of late NBA legend Kobe Bryant at the start of the Grammys AFP / Robyn Beck


  • Kobe asked him to connect him with a baseball scout from South California, who happens to be Scott Boras
  • The search is to secure John Altobelli’s daughter to spend her internship with Boras’ company
  • Boras said that they will honor Kobe’s final wish and offered intern position to Alexis Altobelli

During Rob Pelinka’s eulogy on Kobe Bryant’s memorial, he revealed that the Lakers’ great reached out to him to look for a “certain Baseball agent from Southern California” in hopes of helping his friend and that wish is about to be granted.

According to Yahoo! Sports, the General manager of the Los Angeles Lakers was able to find the baseball scout that Kobe has in mind when he and Major League Baseball’s top-agent Scott Boras recently met at a Lakers game. The MLB scout told Pelinka that he just opened a position so that Alexis Altobelli can work for him as his intern.

Alexis Altobelli is the 16-year old daughter of John and Keri Altobelli, and together with their youngest daughter Alyssa were inside the Kobe’s helicopter that crashed as they are on their way for a basketball practice inside Mamba Sports Academy.

Boras gladly obliged and said that they will be honoring the final wish that Kobe had minutes before his untimely death along with the Altobellis and five others. Both Kobe and Boras go to the same congregation in Newport Beach called Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church and admitted that he had a chance to talk to the 20-year Laker but the two never exchanged contact information.

“Kobe’s last human act was heroic,” Pelinka said. “He wanted to use his platform to bless and shape a young girl’s future,” he added. Kobe even asked himself to be named as a character reference for Lexi before the unfortunate incident.

The Altobellis are deeply into the sport of Baseball as John was a legend at Orange Coast College as the school’s baseball coach and his son JJ is also a scout for the Boston Red Sox. Boras already had an invitation for John ad Lexi to visit Boras Corporation's office to discuss the possibilities of the latter gaining experience as a part of the company.

“Boras has been in contact with J.J. and will create a position for Alexis, who will be able to rotate through the company's various departments, including marketing, baseball operations, sports science and office administration,” wrote Dylan Hernandez in his LA Times report.