Mom Stabs 12-Year-Old Daughter With Pencil, Bites Her For Zoning Out in Online Class

- The incident took place on Wednesday when the kid was attending an online class
- The girl’s younger sister witnessed the incident and called a helpline number
- The arrest has not yet been recorded
Extended live virtual sessions, unfamiliar world of home learning, juggling the home space for work and office — all this would drive anyone crazy, but taking it out on a 12-year-old kid is beyond lunacy.
However, a mother from Mumbai in India thinks of it as normal parenting behavior or perhaps being inattentive in class is a cardinal sin. The 35-year-old mom was in no mood to forgive when she caught her 12-year-old daughter zoning out during a Zoom class on Wednesday.
To "discipline" the child, the enraged mom stabbed her with a pencil and bit her multiple times, while the class was still going on, IndiaToday reported.
Apparently, the woman acted out when the young girl failed to answer a question by her teacher while she was attending her usual online class. In a fit of rage, the furious mother stabbed her daughter on the back, multiple times, with a sharp pencil and also bit her.
The whole episode was witnessed by the young girl's sister, who immediately called a child helpline number.
Following the emergency call, two representatives from an NGO rushed to the house and tried to reason with the mother.
Although the mother was still defiant, Santacruz police, Mumbai, have registered a case against her. The arrest of the woman has not yet been recorded.