Skype Reuters

A mother killed her one-year-old daughter, by drowning her in a bucket of water, during a Skype Call while her boyfriend watched the incident live.

Yasmin Chaudhry, a Norwegian, denied any intentions of killing the girl. The 26-year-old mother said she just wanted to discipline the baby for disobeying her, The Sun reported.

The incident happened in Oct 2010 during a wee hour Skype call with her British boyfriend, who is not the girl's father.

Chaudhry was Wednesday remanded till Feb. 4.

According to police sources, Chaudhry initially said the kid had fallen into bucket accidently, but after being arrested for suspicion of murder, she blamed her boyfriend for the crime, according to The Sun report.

She said she plunged the baby's head in to bucket's water, and the boyfriend whom she befriended on internet had told her to do so. He was watching her live on Skype. The police have already interrogated the British man and preliminary murder charge has been filed against him.

The British boyfriend whose name is not known yet said he had no intentions to kill the kid. He said he was trying to help the mother on disciplining the kid and they decided on the punishment mutually.

The man may have to face extradition and official discussions, regarding the same are continuing.