My Water Diet: I Tried To Drink 3 Liters A Day And This Is What Happened

Everyone knows that drinking water — and making sure it's a substantial amount — is important for a healthy lifestyle. Water lubricates your joints, protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, and helps to regulate your body temperature. This would make sense since 60 percent of the human adult body is made up of water. According to a 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study, 43 percent of adults drink less than four cups of water a day, 36 percent drink one to three cups, and seven percent drink none at all.
When I first decided to start my own version of the “water diet,” it was to improve my skin. I had come across a girl who said she drank 3 liters of water per day, and that it had cleared up her acne. I don’t have terrible skin, but living in a city, it’s easy for your skin to be affected by pollution, stress, and just the overall lifestyle of a fast-paced city.
What I did
Every morning, I would get up and drink an 8-ounce glass of water. I did this an hour before I had to leave my house in case I needed to go to the bathroom. When I got to work, I filled up my 16-ounce water bottle and drank it through a straw. For some reason, drinking though a straw helped me to drink more because I would take sips without thinking. I had to fill this up six times per day to get the 3 liters.
For the first few days, I made a conscious effort to keep up with this, but after day four, I started to write down how many ounces I drank just to keep track. I ended up having to use the bathroom seven times during the workday and, like I did in the morning, I drank my last glass an hour before heading home out of fear I'd need to make a pit stop while I was traveling.
How I Felt
I noticed changes right away. After drinking so much water, I felt a little more energized, and my naturally dry skin felt softer and suppler. I also felt like my constant snacking habits had been curbed. I still ate a normal amount of meals every day, but I snacked a little less. I also noticed that the pores on my face seemed to shrink. This wasn’t evaluated by a dermatologist or any other medical professional, however, so I’m not quite sure if this can be attributed to the amount of water I was drinking or something else coincidental.
What I Didn’t Like
This answer might seem obvious, but having to use the ladies' room so often can be quite annoying. I’m lucky that I work in an office with an easily accessible ladies' room, but I wouldn’t suggest this to someone who is constantly traveling or who would have to search high-and-low to find the nearest restroom. I also didn’t like the fact that this didn’t come naturally to me, meaning it was very difficult for me to keep up with drinking the water. I had to make a conscious effort to make sure I drank the 3 liters. I'd do this even if I didn't achieve the daily amount by bedtime — often, this resulted in waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom.
If you're curious, I'd recommend giving this a try to see any positive effects it might have on your body. However, be aware that overconsuming water can also be harmful — it's not unheard of for it to cause brain edema (swelling) — so check with your medical provider to determine what amount would suit your body best.
This article originally appeared in Medical Daily.
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