NASA Image Shows UFO Flying Out Of The Sun, Expert Claims

A UFO experts claims that an image taken by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) reveals an unidentified object much larger than Earth flying out of the Sun. Aside from proof of alien life, the expert said the image also proves that the Sun is hollow and houses extraterrestrial beings.
In a new video posted on YouTube and on ET Data Base, self-proclaimed UFO expert Scott Waring showed an enhanced image of a photo taken by the SOHO spacecraft. In the image, a disk-shaped object can be seen coming out of the Sun from its upper right side.
According to Waring, the most noticeable aspect shown in the image is the path of the object. Since the Sun is rotating, objects emitted from its upper or lower regions should be propelled diagonally. However, in the case of the SOHO photo, the strange object moved in a straight horizontal line away from the Sun.
In addition, based on the image, the object is most likely about four to six times larger than Earth. If the object was not an alien craft but a solar flare or coronal mass ejection instead, Waring said that NASA should have released a warning due to the massive size of the plasma that came out of the Sun.
Waring emphasized that the recent image can be considered as definitive proof for the Hollow Sun Theory. According to the UFO expert, the Sun doesn’t have a core and is actually hollow. He theorized that the massive star contains an entire solar system that houses various alien planets.
Waring believes that the Sun has a giant door on its surface, which can open and close whenever alien spacecraft enter or leave.
The recent photo from SOHO is not the first image that showed a UFO near the Sun according to Waring. Earlier this week, he shared a different video made by a YouTube user about another UFO spotted near the massive Star.
Like the one shown in SOHO’s photo, the other object was also shaped like a disk but with a distinct hump. Waring noted that the object looked like the USS Enterprise from “Star Trek.”