A UFO flying away from a plume in this frame from the 2014 Chile helicopter video. CEFAA

A UFO expert claimed that NASA’s live camera caught a strange alien vessel approaching the International Space Station (ISS). According to the expert, the video clearly shows that UFOs frequently visit the space station to check on its activities.

The video was originally posted by YouTube user Streetcap 1, a channel that was known within the UFO community due to its high-quality content. However, after the user passed away in 2018, the channel was no longer updated. The same video of the UFO visiting the ISS was then re-posted by YouTube user Of Sound Mind and Body.

In the video, a strange dark object with an odd shape can be seen hovering near the ISS. Unlike previous UFO sightings, the object featured in the video did not have an oval shape. Instead, it had distinct features protruding from different sections of its body.

Shortly after NASA released the live footage, it was immediately cut off with a blank blue screen. This led UFO enthusiasts to believe that NASA was once again trying to cover up evidence of extraterrestrial beings.

For Scott Waring of ET Data Base, the video can be considered as definitive proof regarding the existence of UFOs. More importantly, it reportedly shows that these strange beings and objects frequently visit the ISS. Waring speculated that the visits could be the UFO’s way of checking in on the scientific progress of humans.

Interestingly, this was not the first time that NASA’s live cameras caught UFOs approaching the ISS. Back in December, 2015, a strange incident was recorded as a Soyuz spacecraft prepared to dock at the ISS.

As the spacecraft approached the space station, a swarm of ring-shaped UFOs appeared and flew around it. UFO enthusiasts noted that the incident resembled the UFO Tether sighting during the STS-75 mission in 1996.

In another instance, a NASA video showed crew members of the ISS as they initiated a “contact and capture” maneuver in response to a cylindrical-shaped UFO approaching the ISS. According to Waring, the astronauts aboard the space station may have captured the strange object in order to study it.