SOL 2609
This image was taken by MAST_RIGHT onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 2609 (2019-12-08T19:43:49.000Z) NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS


  • A UFO expert claimed to have spotted a jumping alien creature on Mars
  • The expert saw the strange object in a photo taken by NASA's Curiosity rover
  • The expert believes the photo shows concrete proof that alien life exists on Mars

A UFO expert claimed he spotted an image of an alien creature jumping in a photo taken by NASA on Mars. According to the expert, the photo is definitive proof that alien life exists on the Red Planet.

Claims about the alleged alien creature on Mars was made by Scott Waring of ET Data Base. According to Waring, he came across the image of the strange creature while going through the photos shared through Gigapan, a site that features high-resolution panoramic photos of Mars.

As indicated in the details of the photo, it was taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover on SOL 2609, which is equivalent to the date Dec. 8, 2019. The photo mainly features Mars’ rocky landscape. As Waring was observing the photo, he came across a strange image of an object on a rocky hill.

After zooming in on the object, Waring noted that it could be an alien creature due to its features. Based on the photo, Waring said the strange object had long appendages that could be its arms and legs. It also has a round feature, which could be its head.

As seen in the photo, the strange object appears to be as if it was jumping off of one of the rocks on the hill.

“I was searching for evidence of life in a Gigapan photo of Mars when I came across this object on the side of a hill,” Waring stated on the blog post. “The object seems to have three long appendages...maybe legs and arms. There is something similar to a head that is also visible.”

Aside from being an alien creature, Waring noted that it is possible that the object could be some type of Martian plant growing on the hill. Whether it’s an alien creature or a plant, Waring said the object is a living thing and its photo proves that active alien life exists on Mars.

“This could however also be a living plant growing on the side of the hill,” he stated. “It’s difficult to make a 100% conclusion of what it is due to the photo losing some detail at this close distance. Either way, it is 100% proof of life on Mars.”