NASA Photo Shows Piece Of Alien Tech On Mars

A UFO expert claimed to have spotted a piece of alien technology in several photos of Mars taken by NASA. According to the expert, the mysterious piece may have come from a larger instrument used by alien beings.
The latest discovery was made by Scott Waring, the operator of the UFO-focused blog ET Data Base. According to Waring, he saw the object as he was browsing through the photos taken by NASA’s Spirit rover on Mars.
In several of the photos taken by the rover, an object with a very distinct shape can be spotted half-buried in the sand. Unlike the other rocks scattered on the surface, the object has geometrical shapes as well as carvings on its body.
According to Waring, the object is actually a piece of technological equipment used by aliens on Mars. Based on its appearance, Waring noted that it may have broken off from a larger piece of equipment.
“I found this ancient tech on Mars in four separate NASA photos,” Waring wrote in a blog post. “It appears to be broken off something much bigger and more complicated like a robot. Just look at it. You can see that so much tech was built into this shard. Not just built in, but on a nano scale.”
In a video he shared on YouTube, Waring noted that the object’s construction closely resembled the description of alien technology provided by Bob Lazar, the whistleblower who claimed to have worked on a secret facility in Area 51. According to Lazar, one of his tasks involved reverse-engineering the alien technology from crashed or captured UFOs.
In one of Lazar’s revelations, he said that the technological pieces he saw in UFO’s were actually built into the metal of the spacecraft instead of serving as a separate component. Waring said that the same concept can be seen in the piece of alien technology he found in NASA’s photos.
He said that the components need to make the alien equipment work were actually built into the object that he found. Waring said that this could be the type of alien object that could revolutionize Earth’s technology.