• A UFO expert spotted an alleged alien vessel near the Sun
  • The strange object was hovering over the Sun's surface
  • The UFO could be a Dyson sphere

A UFO expert claimed to have spotted a black-colored triangular alien vessel hovering over the Sun. According to the expert, the alleged UFO is about as big as the Moon.

The UFO sighting was reported by Scott Waring of ET Data Base after browsing through the website of NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite. This space probe was officially launched by NASA in 1995 to observe the Sun.

As Waring was going through the site, he came across an image that was taken by the satellite. The photo caught his attention due to the appearance of a dark object on the Sun’s surface.

Zooming in on the image revealed a triangle-shaped object, which Waring believes is an alien vessel. At first glance, the object looks like a dark spot on the Sun. It could also be a hole on the massive star’s atmosphere where solar winds escape from.

However, according to Waring, the object does not rotate with the Sun, which means it is hovering over its surface.

“I was looking at some footage of the Sun and decided to take a closer look at the black triangle I discovered many months ago,” he stated in a blog post. “The object is still there. Some people try to say it’s not a craft, but a dark spot on the Sun...which is not possible...since the Sun is rotating below the UFO, but the UFO only moves slightly to left and sometimes to the right. So clearly it’s in orbit.”

As noted by Waring, the strange object has been orbiting the Sun for a long time now. Interestingly, it coincides with his previous reports regarding planet-sized UFOs flying near the Sun.

In his previous blog posts, Waring theorized that the strange objects could be some form of Dyson sphere, which is a hypothetical megastructure used by spacefaring civilizations. In theory, Dyson spheres harness the energy of stars in order to maintain its operations in space.

Waring believes that the objects spotted flying near the Sun could be Dyson spheres that were collecting energy from the massive star.

Solar material that reaches Earth, such as after a solar flare like this one, can disturb our planet’s magnetic fields. NASA