NASA Satellite Video Captures UFO Drawing Energy From The Sun

One of NASA’s solar satellites captured an object near the Sun that appeared to be a UFO. Based on the images released by the agency, the object appeared to be drawing energy from the Sun before launching into space.
Images of the strange object were captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a satellite launched by NASA in February 2010 to observe the Sun. It is often regarded as a follow-up to NASA’s earlier solar satellite model dubbed as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.
The images of the object were released by NASA through its Helioviewer website. According to the site, which focus on cover-up stories and conspiracy theories, the object spotted by the SDO was a UFO. In a video shared by the site, the alleged UFO can be seen near the lower portion of the Sun.
As it hovers below the Sun, an elongated and wispy strand can be seen connecting the UFO and the giant star. According to, the link between the two cosmic objects was actually allowing the UFO to draw energy from the Sun. A few moments later, the object disconnects from the Sun and flies away. Small blast waves can even be seen around the object as it launches into space.
The site noted that since it came from the Sun, it could be a solar prominence, which is a bright gaseous feature that extends from the massive star’s surface and forms a loop. However, based on the image, the object didn’t form a loop and does not look anything like solar prominence or a coronal mass ejection. Instead, the object had a solid, round body.
The unexplained object is just one of the countless sightings UFO enthusiasts have made using the images from NASA’s satellites. Due to the number of strange objects spotted flying near the Sun, many believe that the giant star is actually hollow.
According to supporters of the hollow Sun theory, the massive star houses an entire system composed of various alien planets. The inhabitants of these planets enter and exit the Sun through an opening on its surface.