National Eat Your Vegetables Day, observed every year on June 17, is the perfect time to try and incorporate more healthy vegetables into the daily diet.

National Eat Your Vegetables Day is as straightforward as the name suggests. It's a day when people are encouraged to eat more veggies or, if they don't really eat veggies, to give it a try today. After all, vegetables are nutritious, with different kinds having different nutritional contents--from Vitamins, minerals, and fiber to phytochemicals that may contain antioxidants, and antiviral and anti-carcinogenic properties.

The simplest way to celebrate the day is to "eat your vegetables" today and perhaps even make a habit of it, for a healthier diet.

On this day, which happens to fall within National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, let's have a look at some creative and delicious ways to incorporate more healthy veggies into our daily diets. (Courtesy: National Day Calendar, Healthline, EatingWell)

Add Veggies To Your Favorite Meals

One of the simplest ways to eat more veggies would be to try adding them to your favorite meals. For instance, instead of having a plain omelet for breakfast, why not try adding some spinach, onions or bell peppers to it for some added nutrition and flavor boost?

For dinner, one can opt to add vegetable toppings for pasta or perhaps add some yummy vegetables to your favorite casserole. They won't just add nutrition to your favorite meals, but taste and texture as well.

Eat More Veggie-Based Soups

Having veggies through soups is another excellent way to incorporate more greens into one's diet. Those who prefer creamy soups could puree the cooked veggies, while those who prefer chunky soups may simply add their favorite veggies to their soup. Either way, it's a simple and delicious way to have your fill of various veggies in one simple bowl.

Snack On Veggies Instead

It's always tempting to grab a cookie or a bag of chips for a snack, but why not go for veggies instead? Chopping up some cucumbers or carrots and enjoying them with your favorite dip, or perhaps turning vegetables such as kale into chips, may not only increase one's vegetable intake, but it's also a healthy way to snack without filling up too much before dinner.

Go For A Veggie Burger

Those who are craving a burger may opt to satisfy their cravings while eating more vegetables by going for a veggie burger instead. Or a regular burger could be enjoyed with a side of salad made with other fresh vegetables like tomatoes and onions.

Add Veggies To Sauces And Smoothies

Adding vegetables to sauces and even smoothies is a very simple, and even sneaky way, to eat more vegetables. For instance, one can add cucumber and kale to fruit smoothies, or pureed veggies like carrots and squash into pasta sauce. This is a particularly useful tip for those trying to get picky eaters to eat more veggies.

It's not always easy to incorporate more healthy foods, but finding creative and even delicious ways to do it can make the journey to healthier eating a little more fun.

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