National Pretzel day is celebrated annually on April 26 to recognize one of the most popular snacks in America.

Pretzels are baked from pastry dough that is usually shaped into a knot. Although Pretzels come in a variety of shapes today, it is known for its traditional symmetrical shape. The signature pretzel bow shape is formed by intertwining the ends of a long strip of dough into a loop.

There are different accounts regarding the origin of Pretzels. Most people assume that the origin story of Pretzels can be traced back to Christian monks who baked leftover loaves of bread into shapes of the Holy Trinity.

It is also believed that some Italian monks developed these baked dough recipes as treats to reward the children who learned their prayers. In 610 AD, Bryan Bunch and Alexander Hellemans described Pretzels as “pretiola,” meaning “little rewards” in their book “The History of Science and Technology.” The book also details that pretzels were shaped to resemble “arms crossing the chest," a praying position. Another source traces back the origins of Pretzels to a monastery in southern France.

National Pretzel day is celebrated on April 26 pixabay

Some people believe that pretzels have loops for practical purposes. They believe that loops were designed so that bakers can hang them on sticks. The intertwined loop of Pretzel symbolizes love in some parts of the world.

Pretzels were first introduced to North America in the 19th century by Dutch immigrants. Handmade pretzels made in local bakeries soon became popular in Pennsylvania. By the 20th century, soft pretzels gained popularity in Philadelphia, Chicago and New York.

Pretzels pixabay

Here are seven interesting facts about Pretzels:

  1. An average American consumes about 1.5 pounds of pretzels every year.
  2. Pennsylvania is the center of American pretzel production and produces 80% of the nation’s pretzels.
  3. The annual United States pretzel industry is worth over $550 million.
  4. Though salted versions of Pretzels are more popular, unsalted pretzels are also available and are called “baldies.”
  5. The record for the largest pretzel in the Guinness Book of World Records was made in Germany in 2008. The largest pretzel weighed 842 pounds and was 26 feet in length.
  6. Pretzels were always handmade until the 1930s. The first automated pretzel machine was introduced in 1935.
  7. The term “tying the knot” that indicates wedding, is believed to have been inspired by the shape of pretzels. In Switzerland, newly married couples break pretzels on their wedding day to bring good luck.