While some people may call it immature, petty or rude, unfriending someone becomes a necessity when we are done with a person, both online and offline.

Like it or not, social media has become a harmful addiction that causes disrupted mental health typically because we let other people judge us for who we are or constantly compare our lives to them.

The friend lists exhibit different types of profiles -- the lurkers, who don't publicly or personally interact but have a keen interest in your life, and others, whose unsolicited concern is on full display during your tough time. Luckily for us, there is an unfriend button that allows us to put an end to the loop of such mental abuse.

National Unfriend Day, as the name suggests, celebrates the act of unfriending. The day was first proclaimed by late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel on Nov. 17, 2017. On that day, Kimmel urged Facebook users to weed out people with whom they aren't in touch.

To mark this occasion, below are some quotes that validate defriending and save you from having a subsequent guilt trip. (Courtesy: searchquotes)

  • "Ignore the people who diss you and focus on the people who miss you."- Anonymous
  • "People who are constantly discussing your life are certainly not happy with their own."- Anonymous
  • "I really dislike rude people. Sketchy people. Cold-hearted people. Cruel people. Selfish people. It just downright disgusts me." - Anonymous
  • "I don't trust ugly people or attractive people or cat people or dog people or morning people."- Anonymous
  • "Never let someone's opinion become your reality. Never sacrifice who you are because someone else has a problem with it. Love who you are inside and out."- Les Brown
  • "I would unfriend some people on Facebook but love laughing at their lives."- Aunty acid
  • "I unfriended you because my dog doesn't like you."- Anonymous
  • "If you don't like what I post on Facebook, please use the 'unfriend' option."- Anonymous
National Unfriend Day is celebrated on Nov. 17 Pixabay