Every year, May 21 is regarded as National Waitstaff Day. On this day, we acknowledge and thank the talented waitstaff who make our dining experiences pleasant.

The day is also an opportunity for restaurant and cafe owners and managers to recognize their teams and show them how much their efforts are appreciated, according to National Day Calendar. After all, every restaurant owner knows their waitstaff is the face of their businesses.

As we all understand that a seasoned waitstaff plays a key role in providing extraordinary dining that can make or change the whole experience at a restaurant or cafe, let's show them our gratitude through a few different ways listed out here.

1) Tip Them Well: Although most of us are aware that the customary tip rate is 15 to 20 percent, not many understand how important it is to them. In the United States, waitstaff makes their money primarily through tips. If you receive stellar service, don't hesitate to leave them a generous tip. Even if you are not happy, don't skip on the tip. Instead, talk to the manager.

2) A Word Of Gratitude: While a tip may be something of a norm, one could always go the extra mile and thank them for their great service. Tell them that you appreciate the excellent service they provided. Remember to smile and be patient. One can also leave a note that says "Thanks for your help! I hope you enjoy National Waitstaff Day. You deserve it!"

3) Spread The Word: If you love the service, don't hesitate to share it with others. Take to social media and leave a positive message; after all, food vlogging is quite popular. Also, try to tag the waiter or the waitress, with a word or two about how you not only loved the food, but also the great service offered by the waitstaff.

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