“At the end of the day, America belongs to white men,” Richard Spencer, who is known for his alt-right leanings, said Tuesday night.
“I filed this bill because doctors, not politicians, should determine the best treatment for severely ill Texans,” Democratic Sen. José Menéndez said.
The federal appeals court upheld a lower court ruling ordering the recount while the state court said the Board of Canvassers should have denied the petition.
The electors filed suit challenging a state law that compels them to vote for the winner of the popular vote, saying it violates their First Amendment rights as well as the 12th and 14th amendments.
The fire killed 36 people and authorities said they do not expect to find any more bodies in the 15 percent of the building that remains to be searched.
The hashtag "firepantaleo" was trending on Twitter Tuesday afternoon.
The measure now goes to the House, which passed a similar bill. If signed into law, it would be the most restrictive in the nation.
“My first sight was my wife in a hospital bed, her face covered in bruises ranging from yellow to black because of repeated beatings, the bridge of her nose broken," said husband Keith Papini.
Richard Spencer re-enters the national spotlight after his "Hail Trump" speech garnered Nazi salutes.
It turns out removing body hair from your most sensitive region can result in a greater risk of sexually transmitted infections compared with people who prefer to go natural.
Passengers' bags were searched while bomb squads teams led bomb-sniffing dogs around the Metro Red Line.
The president-elect was expected to formally nominate Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis to be secretary of defense Tuesday night during his latest "thank you" tour stop.
More than a month after she went missing, the story of the abducted mother who was found tied up on the side of a highway on Thanksgiving Day has captivated the nation.
The floodwater is starting to recede in isolated areas around the country.
The student told local police their affair began at the beginning of the school year when he wrote his Snapchat user name on the top of his Algebra test.
Ahead of a Trump administration, the president is set to pitch the idea that "our greatest strength against terrorism is who we are as a country."
Two public employees wearing hijabs were recent victims of alleged hate crimes in New York City.
The conditions on one of Pluto's moons may be capable of fostering lifeforms that would be unfamiliar to Earth.
Donald Trump's base is pushing for the president-elect to fulfill one of his most controversial campaign promises.
"Costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!" the president-elect tweeted Tuesday morning.
Despite falling short of 270 electoral votes, the Democratic nominee has extended her popular vote lead over President-elect Donald Trump.
The latest arrest and indictments came down Monday after an almost 8-month investigation.
Just consuming a handful of nuts can reduce the risk of diabetes by almost 40 percent, according to the study.
The Christmas lights hanging from the home of Mike Staudt and his family in Chaska, Minnesota, bling in unison to "Purple Rain" next to a spinning Prince symbol.
The Portland city commissioner proposed the additional tax, calling income inequality in the U.S. “the biggest challenge facing our society” after global warming.
Parents are going to want to catch all these Pokémon toys before Christmas.
The number of cases where a baby was too big to pass through the mother's birth canal soared in recent decades. The trend suggests Cesarean sections are changing human evolution.
The rain events come as a result of climate change effects and will hit the U.S. coasts hardest.
People who smoked just once a day were also found to have greater risks of lung cancer.
A report said Ronald Gasser has been jailed on a charge of manslaughter days after reportedly shooting and killing the former New York Jets player.