Will Gary Johnson and Jill Stein get on the debate stages?
Regulations for operating drones in U.S. airspace were announced by the Federal Aviation Administration in June and took effect Monday.
Researchers say that they could potentially replace much more invasive treatments.
Let's see how much you already know about the pop-star legend.
The central terminal’s arrival and departures areas as well as all other terminals re-opened after about two hours.
One ISIS member said: "I ask Allah to deliver America to Trump."
A total of 435 people were shot by officers and 92 were killed from 2010 through 2015 in the city, according to data obtained by the Chicago Tribune.
The NBA star’s cousin Nykea Aldridge was shot dead Friday after she was caught in crossfire on a Chicago street, raising concerns regarding gun policies.
Mourad Hamyd, who is French and a brother-in-law of assailant Cherif Kouachi, was detained in Bulgaria last month.
Testing of donated blood is underway in Florida, Puerto Rico, as well as in other areas of the United States, and has been proven helpful in finding infected donations.
The Chicago Bulls star’s cousin, Nykea Aldridge, was shot dead in what Wade called an “act of senseless gun violence.”
An Australian prospector found the riches on a recent Friday.
Rents are at their highest in August, September and October in a city notorious for staggering rental contracts.
President Obama is giving Americans a true Yosemite National Park Experience in his first ever virtual reality film feature.
Scientists used a phototropic bacterium — bacteria that respond to light stimuli — as a catalyst to generate methane from the greenhouse gas.
"I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you," Maine's governor told a lawmaker.
The actions of NYPD officers are being questioned after shooting at a teen 16 times.
The protein, known as Neurogulin-1, works by breaking up plaques in the brain.
Alabama took another major step toward getting a state lottery.
Grandmother from Wichita fears for her grandchildren's welfare after receiving a racist letter from an anonymous "neighbor."
It's Mother Teresa's 106th birthday.
A Saudi Arabian prince says that he helped Trump during his bankruptcies.
Following a notice from Portland Public Schools to ban rap music from its school buses, many request overturning the rule due to "racism."
The state has decided to kill the nine remaining members of the Profanity Peak pack after attacks on livestock, and the decision has sparked outrage among activists.
How to follow along online as Janet Yellen talks in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
It's a chance to donate to your local shelter, volunteer with animals or simply cuddle up to your furry friend.
A new study published Thursday makes the unconventional claim that “rising biofuel use has been associated with a net increase” in carbon dioxide emissions.
The U.S. president will increase the size of Hawaii’s Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, which is already bigger than all the other national parks in the country put together.
Ocearch founder and leader of the expedition, Chris Fischer, termed this development as “probably the most significant discovery we’ve ever made on the ocean.”
Hillary Clinton has been criticized for using an unauthorized private email system run from a server in the basement of her home while she was secretary of state.