“As everyone knows, there are no high-speed trains manufactured in the United States,” said a U.S. company that was set to partner with China Railway.
Seth Meyers broke down the historical significance of Hillary Clinton’s nomination on “Late Night.”
Though Republican John Kasich has opposed recreational marijuana, he has signed a medical marijuana bill into law.
The 3-year-long campaign will help scientists ascertain how environmental forces affect coral reefs around the world, using state-of-the-art PRISM technology.
Numerous records requests for documents from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state have been delayed until after the presidential election.
At least 250 to 300 people were evacuated from the north central town of Yarnell, where 19 firefighters lost their lives battling a fire in 2013.
While Republicans called the deal a “realistic compromise,” Democrats accused them of bowing to the politically influential school-choice lobby.
Advisers to the U.S. senator from Massachusetts have had frequent conversations with Clinton’s campaign team in recent weeks, sources told Reuters.
U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer became the latest critic to denounce Judge Aaron Persky’s six-month sentence for college athlete Brock Turner.
More young people have gained health insurance in recent years, but they’re neither better educated nor financially equipped to use it.
Associated Press writers were reportedly threatened after the news organization called the primary race for Hillary Clinton.
If you're looking to cast a protest vote against one of the two major candidates, here are some other options in the 2016 presidential race.
Officials in Zimbabwe, which has one of the highest rates of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa, aim to fight the epidemic with circumcision.
Now that both major parties have their presumptive presidential nominee, which candidate do most voters prefer?
The accident occurred at around 6:30 p.m., local time, near a park in Cooper Township, north of Kalamazoo, reports said.
Here's what Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump say about Wall Street regulation — and what big bankers think about them.
Bernie Sanders bypassed Democratic Party gatekeepers to raise $200 million. But it won’t be easy for future candidates to replicate his success.
The White House said the president will send a letter to the Ali family to be read at Friday's service in Louisville, Kentucky.
"I know it never feels good to put your heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and to come up short," Clinton said Tuesday as she tried to rally Sanders supporters behind her.
The Vermont senator thanked supporters for being “a part of the revolution,” in a speech in California, shortly after Hillary Clinton celebrated a “milestone” in her campaign.
At one point Tuesday night, the hashtag #iVoted was trending on Twitter.
The Republican's recent comments about Muslims belies a friendly relationship with Ali that existed for more than three decades.
The Democrat celebrated her success Tuesday, then began trying to recruit fans of rival Bernie Sanders and independents.
The presidential candidate, now running unopposed for the Republican nomination briefly addressed supporters Tuesday, following his win in New Jersey.
The convictions were a rare victory for prosecutors against staff of a U.S. correctional facility.
If the U.S. senator from Vermont refuses to end his candidacy this week, he wouldn’t be the first No. 2 candidate to campaign until the bitter end.
The chairman of the House Financial Services Committee has laid out his ideas on weakening the 2010 Wall Street reform law.
Seth Meyers took a closer look at the controversy surrounding Donald Trump’s criticism of the judge in the Trump University case.
A review of Education Department data shows that suspension rates have dropped, but disparities remain.
Hillary Clinton’s wins Tuesday — in California, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota — made her the first woman within striking distance of the Oval Office.