Many Asian-Americans say they are tired of being the butt of jokes at the expense of an apparent double standard.
After Super Tuesday votes are counted, the day of reckoning for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich is in two weeks.
The Democratic presidential candidate unveiled an ad aimed at the embattled drug company, which is under investigation by the SEC and other authorities.
The process of selling U.S. weapons to overseas customers is slow and is pushing allies to deal with Russia.
U.S. citizens gave the United Nations a poor report card this year when it comes to solving international problems.
The president has said he wants to get a nominee through Congress, but Republican leaders have said they won’t even consider it.
The pundits once said he never had a chance. But amid the Republican front-runner’s comments on Mexicans, Muslims and his rivals, Donald Trump’s popularity is soaring.
Stephen Colbert says Donald Trump’s apparent dodge of a question about David Duke’s public support of the presidential candidate was hypocritical.
Researchers have said the U.S. electorate in 2016 will be the most diverse in the nation’s history.
For U.S. presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, the stakes are high in these key states.
The former mayor of New York City is considering running for president as an independent. But his time is running out.
The uptick in hate crimes targeting Muslims and Middle Easterners comes in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California.
When it comes to final results, there are several elements to consider in each state: whether the state is hosting a primary or caucus, and the time the polls are set to close.
Texas is a must-win for Ted Cruz on Super Tuesday. Will his energy and oil policies help propel him to victory in the delegate-rich state?
Hillary Clinton is counting on doing well among African-Americans on Super Tuesday, but many young black voters are turning toward Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are poised to widen their leads as they each have now won multiples states on Tuesday night.
Carlos Moore, a civil rights attorney who filed the lawsuit, said the Confederate emblem on the flag incites racial violence.
Trump is well-positioned to become the GOP nominee. And although his rivals have adopted his brash style, it remains to be seen if they can halt his momentum.
Here’s a quick guide to understanding why Super Tuesday matters and which states are voting.
Pot can affect users’ ability to recognize, process and “empathize with human emotions,” a study says.
A Raleigh officer shot a man who was fleeing arrest, a local TV station reported.
In one of her newly released emails, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bemoaned Hurricane Sandy’s impact on her schedule.
In the video, which was tweeted by Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, African-American Republicans tout themes of empowerment and getting involved in the party.
Although the last batch of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were released by the State Department Monday, the controversy is not over.
The Vermont senator is focusing on winning mostly white states on Super Tuesday, something that could hurt him with African-Americans.
They are not many, but they are passionate about her experience in Washington.
From building walls to ending family detention policies, a look at the presidential candidates’ positions.
Brian Deese was involved in leading the administration’s bailout of the U.S. auto industry and making budget deals with Congress
This month brought with it an unprecedented amount of so-called blackness.
John Oliver criticized Donald Trump for his inconsistent policy positions during a 20-minute segment on “Last Week Tonight” Sunday.