The ransom demand comes after malware is detected on the computer network of Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center.
Front-runner Donald Trump said he'd bring a suit against rival Ted Cruz if anything shady happens in the South Carolina primary.
“It could be pretty tricky for the morning commute on Tuesday,” a National Weather Service meteorologist says of the U.S. East Coast.
Lisa Linden, a spokeswoman for the former New York governor, reportedly denied the accusations saying there was “no truth to the allegation.”
The president will not take up the issue until the Senate returns from its recess Feb. 22, the White House said.
The senator said he would call 10 sailors to testify about their detention if results of the administration’s investigation aren’t released by March 1.
The Presidents Day holiday has been observed in the U.S. for more than 137 years.
“I want to protect these men from themselves,” said a Kentucky lawmaker who proposed the bill.
The president of the NAACP and other leaders criticized those trying to deny President Obama a final Supreme Court appointment.
Did you know Jimmy Carter once saw a UFO?
The Democratic National Committee lifted a ban on campaign contributions by lobbyists, a move the presidential candidate’s campaign called a “step backward.”
The numbers at first might look hopeful — but officials say there’s little reason for celebration.
Ursinus College has yet to confirm the source of the outbreak, although it did temporarily close its dining hall earlier in the week.
No guns were found and no shots were fired as police investigated reports of armed males on campus.
The body of the U.S. Supreme Court justice reportedly will be flown to his home in northern Virginia Tuesday.
The Democratic hopeful has strong backing among African-Americans, while the Republican candidate has strong support among conservatives.
Republican senators may delay confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s successor, but any postponement might severely impact pending cases.
The campaigns of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both have had a hard time locating potential voters.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., says the Senate has an obligation to go through the nomination process and should not shirk its duty.
An infectious-disease expert says the FDA needs to work harder to recruit and keep young scientists, convincing them the agency does not stifle good work.
Sri Srinivasan, who has served on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals since May 2013, would be the first Indian-American justice of the country’s highest federal court.
Following Saturday night's debate in South Carolina, the Republican candidates will meet next later this month in Houston.
While other Republican candidates held their own in Saturday's debate in South Carolina, Donald Trump was often booed by the crowd.
After a moment of silence to remember Justice Antonin Scalia, the six Republican presidential candidates came out swinging.
At the GOP debate in South Carolina Saturday, Donald Trump revived Jeb Bush's remark that he'd "moon" the crowd.
Rubio has attacked Cruz for once supporting "amnesty" for undocumented immigrants. He isn't lying.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio argues over immigration Saturday night during the South Carolina Republican presidential debate.
The billionaire business mogul led in the South Carolina primary polling, ahead of Saturday's debate.
Jeb Bush at Saturday night's GOP debate in South Carolina said he's fed up with what he sees as Donald Trump's uninformed opinions on serious issues.
Candidates debating in South Carolina on Saturday night called on President Obama to refrain from selecting a Supreme Court nominee.