Students and, increasingly, their professors are finding their voices are silenced by campus codes that violate the First Amendment, experts say.
Sri Srinivasan, mentioned as a possible replacement for Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court, has ties that worry some environmentalists.
As of Wednesday morning, Trump was averaging a 17.5-point lead in South Carolina.
Nikki Haley announce her endorsement of the Florida senator Wednesday evening, just days before the Republican primary in her state.
Just before the South Carolina primary, both the GOP and Democrats will hold their own town hall events for the candidates to make their cases.
Murder, abduction, enslavement, rape and starvation are among the allegations against Kim Jong Un.
They are more likely to excel in key areas of life than their non-athlete counterparts, according to a new study.
Despite objections from the transgender community, Christian groups have praised the bill as "the right thing to do to protect all of our students."
The Florida state legislature is considering a bill that would allow citizens with concealed weapons permits to bring firearms into airport terminals.
A new poll shows that Hillary Clinton’s hold on Nevada may be slipping as Sanders pulls up alongside her after overcoming a double digit deficit.
Republican front-runner Donald Trump gave a phone interview to comedian Stephen Colbert on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Tuesday.
Heated debates over immigration, law enforcement and racial issues fueled growing extremism in 2015, a new report has found.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration had earlier delayed the release of the Laquan McDonald shooting video under a policy that did not allow footage linked to an ongoing criminal probe to be made public.
The Tuesday order by a judge in Pennsylvania will likely send the comedian’s sexual assault case to an evidence hearing.
In his filing, Judge Gilbert Martinez stated that making the documents public could harm gunman Robert Lewis Dear’s case.
The president said he is hearing from foreign leaders who are alarmed at Republican positions on climate change and immigration.
In the past, particular breeds have fared better than others in the esteemed Westminster Dog Show.
The study found that Twitter data was a more accurate measure of interest in candidates rather than level of support they will receive.
The candidate will appear on MSNBC on Wednesday night, opposite a CNN event featuring three of his Republican rivals.
In recent weeks, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have sought support from civil rights leaders in New York and South Carolina.
Jeb Bush’s one-word post with a photo of a gun brought on a barrage of mocking tweets Tuesday.
Georgia state Sen. Vincent Fort, an influential Democrat, has decided to end his endorsement of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Republican’s proposal would see tax revenue fall by $8.6 trillion between 2017 and 2026, the Tax Policy Center said.
President Barack Obama responded Tuesday to those who think Justice Antonin Scalia's successor should be named by the next president.
The House speaker said the Senate has a right to oppose a president's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Kathleen Kane says her enemies are out to get her, but her duties as a mother come first.
The candidate said any Muslims who adhere to Islamic law and also support American values must be "schizophrenic."
Hillary Clinton made her opinions about filling the Scalia Supreme Court vacancy known Monday night.
A new poll shows that Donald Trump supporters in South Carolina hold a number of controversial, including pro-Confederate views.
Momentum from the New Hampshire primary carried over to a new poll of the presidential hopefuls.