As RGA chair, Christie raised millions from the donor. Now Christie officials want a lucrative deal for the donor's firm.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie petitioned an auto dealership to loan a Corvette to the host who interviews him on a radio show.
The study found today’s legal weed is much more potent than the pot of 30 years ago.
If Cruz had delayed his decision to run for president, he might have lost out in the race for money and staff.
If Ted Cruz wants to beat Jeb Bush — or whoever becomes the GOP establishment's choice — he's going to need conservatives to coalesce.
During his first speech as a declared candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz said more evangelical Christians and young people need to vote.
Students at schools with suspension policies were 1.6 times more likely than kids in schools without them to use marijuana the next year, according to a new study.
Marijuana advocates have long viewed New England as a prime target for reform.
Democrats are trying to raise dollars and win grassroots supporters off of Ted Cruz's presidential announcement.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, formally announced his presidential bid on Monday, becoming the first major candidate to officially enter the field for the 2016 presidential elections.
The New Jersey Republican’s administration blocked a lawmaker’s open-records request for details about a $225 million deal.
Retired military officers, some of whom had suffered injuries for which pot offered relief, joined a rally Thursday.
North Bonneville, Washington, has never been an economic powerhouse, but the legalized marijuana industry could change everything.
Gov. Bruce Rauner, who took over the licensing process from the previous administration, has said the state will comply with the court rulings.
As legalization becomes more widespread, U.S. colleges offer courses on understanding and working within the emerging marijuana market.
Envelopes bearing a government agency's name violated the privacy of mail recipients, the plaintiffs claim.
The CARERS Act would allow dispensaries in those states to access banking and open up the door for scientists to research the drug.
“What a candidate may do or may not say, I could always deal with. What was unmanageable was what a staffer would tweet that we could never get back."
Washington now has three budget documents. And the differences show just how hard it will be to keep government funded.
A hearing was set for Wednesday in Chicago to lift a temporary restraining order barring one grower from getting a license.
The bills were filed Friday and would legalize medical cannabis as early as next year.
The bill is part of a larger set of proposals that seek to overhaul the state's medical marijuana law.
The GOP wrote the 10-year spending plan. But even its own members might gawk at some of its provisions.
Under the proposed ballot measure, adults 21 and older would be able to grow up to four marijuana plants in their homes.
Fifteen states in the U.S. have decriminalized marijuana, including 10 that have also legalized medical pot.
Chris Christie appointees committed $300 million to a subsidiary of a foreign firm whose executive donated to his campaign and the RNC.
If Hillary Clinton wants to win the presidency, she'll have to shed her ties to Obama — without alienating the voters she needs to win.
The Ambient Water Corp. is one of a few tech firms building highly efficient greenhouses for the blossoming legal-marijuana industry.
Medical marijuana has been a burning issue in the U.S. Congress recently –- but what does the term really mean?
Never talk to pi. He'll go on forever.