Obama is fighting with Republicans — who are also fighting among themselves. The issue: immigration. The threat: a shutdown.
Boehner warned President Obama: Act on immigration and we'll do whatever it takes to stop you -- including risk a government shutdown.
The Republicans aren't out to derail attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch, but they are preparing to question her in January.
Some Republicans want to fight Obama's planned immigration moves through spending legislation, but McConnell wants no shutdown this time.
The U.S. Commerce Department's top lawyer donated to Chicago's mayor while his financial firm was managing Chicago pension money.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel accepted more than $600,000 from firms managing city pension money, despite the SEC's pay-to-play rule.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is joining the Senate Democratic leadership, a move that feeds rumors she may run in 2016.
Sen. John McCain would vote for a full repeal of President Obama's health care law, but doesn't think it's actually going to happen.
The still-undecided Louisiana Senate race has prompted quick movement on a long-dormant project.
Despite state and federal "pay-to-play" rules, the Illinois governor-elect accepted campaign cash from firms managing his state's pension money.
Republicans lawmakers are seething over President Obama's announcement that the U.S. struck a deal with China to address climate change.
As Republicans continue to seethe over President Obama's immigration reform plans, the possibility of impeachment has been broached.
The Obama administration is tamping down expectations for the next enrollment for health insurance through federal exchanges.
What political history says about the chances that Obama and the GOP can cooperate during the next two years.
The Republican Governors Association was good to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's friends while under his leadership, NJ.com reported.
Obama reportedly got irritated with his vice president at a lunch that was supposed to warm relations with Congress.
Supporters are urging Clinton to get in the race now. Here are the other Dems and GOPers who might also jump in, sooner or later.
President Obama sees the potential for cooperation with Congress on college funding, infrastructure and tax reform.
President Obama and Speaker Boehner have a fraught relationship. But they need each other now.
Democrats spent 16 times more on Senate races than on their campaign for statehouse seats. Now, the GOP controls two-thirds of legislatures.
Moderate and tea party Republicans wanted to win the midterms. They don't agree on much else -- and their divisions are showing.
The GOP blitzed the midterms without carrying women voters. That won't be possible in 2016. So bring on the women candidates!
If Republicans are taking the midterms as a sign of how well they'll do in 2016, they're misreading the data. Big-time.
GOP gubernatorial candidates scored big wins, backed by the millions of dollars raised by RGA head Chris Christie.
Gubernatorial races put more state pension money in control of Wall Street financial managers.
Now in full control of Congress, the GOP can no longer govern as the "Party of No."
The Republicans Governors Association spent $19 million in Florida governor's race — the most the RGA spent on any contest.
Here are five things to know about Mitch McConnell, the likely new Senate majority leader.
The Democratic Party has retained a much-needed seat in the New Hampshire Senate race.
The Republicans' showing in 2014 midterm elections reflects the party's new-found moderation on polarizing social issues.