Many of them did not wear masks during the get-together.
The suspect was shot multiple times during the exchange of gunfire and is reported to be continuing in critical condition at Denver Medical Health Center.
Joe Biden tops President Donald Trump in another major poll, this time by 10 points nationally on the question of who is best equipped to lead the U.S. through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Another person who was swimming with the woman was uninjured.
Reserchers confirm that the naturally occurring metal in drinking water which has long been used to treat and prevent mental health conditions might also have a protective effect against suicide.
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., finally reveals the HEALS Act, the GOP's version of the Democrat's HEROES Act.
Florida is struggling with the decision to reopen in-person school classes in the fall as the number of infections, hospitalizations and positivity rate among children continues to rise.
Joe Biden double-digit margins in two new polls released on Monday, but there are a few situations that could bolster Trump's reelection chances.
President Trump's legal team believes Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. overstepped his legal authority by issuing a subpoena for eight years of the President's tax returns and financial documents from his longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA LLP.
COVID-19 constraints have forced the first presidential election on Sept. 29 to be moved from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana to a site in Cleveland.
Biden voters are more anxious than Trump voters about the state of the race, after the GOP incumbent pulled off a surprise win against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.
The stimulus plan includes $16 billion for testing, $26 billion for the development and distribution of vaccines, $105 billion for schools, $20 billion for farmers and ranchers, and $30 billion for the defense industrial base.
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in North Carolina, a state the incumbent won by 3.7 points in 2016.
Idaho had the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in adults over 65 than all causes of death combined in this age group.
The recent comments were shared by an anonymous supporter.
Officials in Virginia, Ohio, Washington, Utah, Kansas, Arizona and Louisiana have said various residents have been mailed the strange seeds during July and asked anyone else who may receive the seeds to not plant them.
One meteorologist said the difference of 20 or 30 miles for the storm could have spelled a much different outcome for the islands.
Several congressmen gathered at the Capitol rotunda to honor the civil rights icon and Georgia representative.
A total of 70% of survey respondents indicated that they think fines should be issued for those people that violate face mask mandates.
An unidentified male attacked a Chicago following a rant about the coronavirus pandemic.
Bystander filmed the couple getting into verbal exchanges with several shopper; they have subsequently been banned from all U.S. Walmart locations for at least one year.
The protester who fired the weapon may have been aiming at the driver.
Trump's attack was in response to reports the Reagan Foundation had asked his campaign and the RNC to stop using Reagan's likeness in fundraising campaigns, and Fox News' latest polls indicated Trump is trailing Biden in several key swing states.
Seattle and Portland remained two of the biggest hotspots during the protests while at least one person was shot amid multiple shootings reported during the weekend protests.
The Biden campaign made a $14.5 million ad buy in 25 markets, airing an ad in which a woman whose grandmother died of COVID-19 accuses the Trump administration of not caring.
The center's staff said the teens' parents were dropping them off and leaving, causing occupancy to surpass the state's 50% occupancy allowed under Gov. Bill Lee and the Tennessee Health Department's standing order amid coronavirus.
It was unclear how much contact Robert O'Brien has had with President Trump.
Employees who work in Homeland Security, Justice, and Veterans Affairs accounted for the majority of coronavirus claims, according to a Labor Department report.
The first volunteers were injected at testing sites in Georgia, with around 30,000 volunteers expected to participate in the trial at nearly 100 locations across the U.S.
Officers also claimed that one person with a gunshot wound who “seems to have been associated with the incident” arrived at a hospital in a private car.