Police in Ohio said it appeared the doctor at Affinity Medical Center was targeted in the attack. A preliminary investigation revealed that the gunman and the doctor shared a mutual love interest.
Kaepernick, who initiated the national anthem protests, said black people were more unfairly treated by the justice system.
In response to an article published in the Atlantic about Donald Trump Jr.'s correspondence with WikiLeaks, the organization's founder Julian Assange posted on Twitter saying "WikiLeaks can be very effective at convincing even high profile people."
The Department of Homeland Security has announced plans to simulate the effects of biological weapons on buildings in Oklahoma.
Chapman was pictured Friday in London roughly a month after announcing she was separating from her husband of 10 years.
“I guess I done it. I didn’t remember hitting her."
Alligator snapping turtles are a threatened species, but scientists found the first wild one in decades … before they lost it again.
A New York City Uber driver crashed his car and died after getting attacked in a road rage incident.
Four individuals were said to have wandered the streets while stripping off their clothes, barking, yelling, trespassing and showering in soda water.
The footage was apparently deleted by a former fraternity member just two days after Piazza died.
“Casey knows what happened to Caylee. I feel that in my heart,” George Anthony said in an interview last month.
The body of 3-year-old Sherin Mathews was found inside a drainage ditch in October.
Roy Moore's wife is avidly defending her husband against accusations.
"This is not a time to be squeamish because it’s a life and death situation."
The former president has now been accused of groping by six women.
The incident took place at Jump N Jam, an indoor play center for children in Marysville.
Police said the mother informed them her boyfriend kicked the girl in the head because she climbed out of her car seat.
According to Denton firefighters the cause of the collapse could have been too much jumping by the party-goers.
The video, which shows an unidentified person pulling the hijab off the girl's head as she covered her face with her hands, was traced back to the teacher's Snapchat account.
A study analyzed how the floor plan, the number of windows and even tidiness of the house affected the diversity and number of insects in our homes.
The gossip columnist's net worth had grown significantly in 2017 and was estimated to be $1.2 billion.
A knife-wielding suspect attempted to rob a customer in a dressing room at the Macy's store and when the customer confronted him, he stabbed the victim.
A picture of veterans who have been deported from the U.S. went viral on social media for Veterans Day.
“It seems improbable that someone would tape themselves planting drugs."
U.S. personnel will be protected by a company founded by an ex-KGB agent.
The man with whom Christine Slinger had a daughter was found dead of an apparent suicide after she went missing.
President Donald Trump traded insults with North Korea over the weekend, but still would like to be friends.
Nine people who had visited Disneyland in September before developing the illness are currently suffering from the disease, which primarily targets the lungs.
The victim was taken to University of Maryland Medical Center and is currently in a critical condition.
Three or four victims have suffered serious spinal injuries, although all of them are expected to survive.