CNN host Anderson Cooper criticized President Donald Trump's remarks about the violence at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and said the president "revealed so clearly who and what he really is."
Heather was killed after a car plowed into a crowd gathered to oppose the “Unite the Right” rally of right-wing groups in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend.
The project was killed off because of a "high level police report" which said it would be "dangerous" to go ahead with the project.
An Alabama woman named Lisa Theris, who had been missing since July 18, was found naked on the roadside. She was covered in a rash of bug bites and scratch marks and had spent a month in the woods, surviving on berries and puddle water.
Trump once called her “dumb like a fox” and revealed that he had watched her sex tape.
His name may be Kid Rock, but Michigan might not let him list that.
A petition demands his firing.
Video showed Ohio police punching and kicking a black man during the arrest.
The name of a convicted sex offender came up for the first time during pre-trial motions.
Opening in 1995, the memorial wasn't vandalized until 2017.
The tweet was posted by a user named Mike Holden in response to a Fox & Friends article on President Donald Trump considering a pardon for ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Narrow jets, originating from galactic centers where supermassive black holes usually reside, typically form in opposing pairs and are among the most energetic outbursts observed in the universe.
These stellar explosions — used to measure the acceleration of the universe’s expansion — have been long known, but we didn’t know exactly how they were caused.
Flair was admitted to a hospital in Atlanta for routine monitoring Saturday. However, he was soon shifted to intensive care where he was put in a medically induced coma before being operated upon.
We always see the same face of the moon from Earth not because the moon doesn’t rotate on its own axis, but because the two bodies are tidally locked with each other.
Charnesia Corley had to raise her legs up in the air for about 10 minutes as the police searched her private parts for marijuana.
"He just floored it right at me and ran me over," Cruz told local news.
The shark bit a 13-year-old's foot while he pushed his sister on a boogie board near Sea Pines Beach Club.
"I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo," he said.
In a war of words, Guam's governor backs Trump.
Two counties in the state were found to have plague-carrying fleas.
At various levels of government — federal agency leaders, state offices, Congress — individuals have taken steps to protect the pharmaceutical industry at the expense of sick consumers.
The incident took place Saturday when Hap Farrell, a charter fishing captain, for the first time captured the predator steal a catch from a fisherman's line.
Of the many factors that must come together on a planetary body to allow the possibility of life as we know it, the age of the parent star is also an important one.
Michael Tubbs, who has a history in racist movement, was released from prison for plotting to bomb Jewish and black-owned businesses in Jacksonville, Florida.
First lady Melania Trump’s response on Twitter on the Charlottesville protest was said to have been copied from comments that former first lady Michelle Obama made last year.
Elizabeth Warren might be dropping some hints at a 2020 platform.
Violence erupted in Virgina as far-right groups met with counterprotests.
The police officer, who engaged in violent behavior, is currently on paid administrative leave after the video of the violent arrest went viral.
Heather Heyer, a young paralegal from Greene County, Virginia, died when a car plowed into a crowd of counterprotestors of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville on Saturday.