Michigan's health and human services director and the state's chief medical executive faces charges.
"I am very unlucky that I've been bit two times, it's insane," said Bryan Brock.
Twitter users wrote "Happy Death Day" promotion inappropriate amid London tragedy.
"We have no idea where they are," said Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills.
He joined the president's Second Amendment Coalition team in November.
The 10-month-olds were craniopagus twins, joined at the head, sharing blood vessels and dura, the tough protective membrane surrounding both brains.
The First Flag Act declared that the new flag would have "13 stripes alternate red and white: that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."
The president’s move came after author Stephen King posted a critical tweet about White House senior adviser and Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump.
Reporters said Tuesday they were asked to seek permission to film interviews in the Capitol hall. This is not the first time press freedom has come under a cloud during the Trump administration.
The president was bothered by reports from conservative news outlets that said Robert Mueller was close to ex-FBI Director James Comey, according to a report.
According to a New York Times report, this could be a collaborative effort by anti-Trump critics to force the president to reveal his tax returns, which he has refrained from doing till now.
Two Democratic representatives announced June 7 they were drafting articles of impeachment over Donald Trump’s decision to fire James Comey as FBI director.
The study does not directly convict french fries as killers. How much we eat them, however, is a correlation.
His comments came when Arianna Huffington talked about adding more women members, during the company's corporate culture meeting.
Sen. Kamala Harris, a Democrat from California, was cut off as she sought a reply from Jeff Sessions about the policy that stopped him from answering the queries of senators.
Virginia’s Lt. Gov. Northam will face Republican Gillespie in the race for the state’s next governor.
The defense secretary said Tuesday the U.S.-backed forces are "not winning" in the war-torn country, despite fighting against the militant group for 15 years.
YouTube star Austin Jones was arrested Monday on charges of child pornography.
"Keep strong in tough times. You taught me how to be strong and carry on."
The original conviction rested on eyewitness testimony and potential racial bias
A law that passed, and expired, nearly two decades ago would've kept Trump from eliminating the special prosecutor investigating alleged Russian attempts to sway the 2016 election.
“It’s a done deal now. The president had floated several positions before — this is the one that stuck,” said a White House official to the Daily Beast.
"We are highly offended by the insensitivity displayed," James Piazza said following a preliminary hearing.
The cyber-attack on America by Russia was bigger than was reported before.
Florida resident Thomas Walsh encountered an unexpected visitor when he lifted the vehicle's hood.
Christopher Gardner Jr. was signed into the daycare center that morning despite having never been taken out of the vehicle.
Rodman has made a habit of getting to North Korea.
The attorney general's open testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee will begin at 2:30 p.m. EDT, Tuesday.
The two men were being transported in a bus when they overpowered the prison guards.
The fast-food chain said it would hire about 250,000 people this summer and for that it is turning to Snapchat for help.