Atlanta Hawks legend Dominique Wilkins has never feared anybody during his NBA career but named two of the most intimidating players he has ever faced.

Wilkins has been known for his spectacular dunks and tremendous athleticism. During his prime, Wilkins was viewed as one of the most competitive players in the league after having epic battles with some of the all time greats back in the 80’s.

In a recent interview with, Wilkins revealed which player intimidated him the most during his prime. According to the NBA Hall of Famer, aside from Celtics legend Larry Bird, Knicks icon Bernard King intimidated a night before they even play against each other.

“Never feared anybody I played against. But I couldn’t sleep the night before I had to play Bernard King. He was a complete machine. He and Larry Bird were the only people who scored more than 40 on me,” Wilkins revealed.

Years have passed by but during King’s Hall of Fame induction, Wilkins took the opportunity to let the Knicks legend know about how he felt the first time they ever faced each other.

“When he went in the Hall of Fame, he and I were talking and I told him that. I said, “You would look at me like I stole your kids.” And he said, “'Nique, I had to be that way. You scared the hell out of me too.” Back in those days, I played against hall of famers every night,” Wilkins recalled.

Bernard King guards Dominique Wilkins
Bernard King guards Dominique Wilkins. Yahoo Sports

Just over a week ago, Wilkins shared his thoughts about the present day Atlanta Hawks. As per the dunking legend, the young Hawks are doing great in developing as a unit. However, Wilkins noted that among the Hawks’ young core, De’Andre Hunter is a special kind of player, Clayton reported.

“I think these young guys are jelling very well. I think out of the young guys, the guy who has stood out the most is Hunter. He was a three-year college player, he’s a seasoned individual, and a solid defender. He will be at the forefront of this young class,” Wilkins predicted.

“Defensively, they (the rookies) will have to get used to how fast the game is. I look at a guy like Hunter, he has figured out he can guard in this league. When you get everyone having that frame of mind, I think you’re going to see some very special things out of these young players,” Wilkins added.