Sun Microsystems on Monday said its new open source development environment, Netbeans 6.7, focuses on Maven and Kenai integration for development teams and scripting languages.

It is now available for download, and will include all the features of the previous 6.5.1. However the JSF support version for Woodstock is not included in the package as the release combines ICEFaces Ajax framework and it integrates full support for Maven and Kenai projects.

“The integration between NetBeans and Kenai allows developers to stay in their IDE and quickly navigate between Kenai's local code, bug reports, IM chats and project wikis,” the company said.

NetBeans includes parts of the future Java EE 6 specification, with Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1-REST hybrids, Hudson’s build integration project and support for Zembly, which enables developers to build mashups for lightweight social applications.

Its programming languages scripting also supports such as C/C++, improve PHP and Glassfish, Groovy, Ruby, and other technologies such as JavaScript. Its JavaFX web presentation technology will be available soon.

It's really a next-generation site for source code management and project-hosting, David Folk, engineering director for developer products at Sun said quoted in a Computer World report.

The Maven support is a community software project management and is a comprehension tool. Its archetypes are available for creating Java EE projects from deployment, remote debugging and profiling.

Sun collaborative hosting site Kenai is an open-source projects and a platform comparable with, Google Code or Sourceforge.