New ‘WWE 13’ Trailer Takes Focus To Present Day [VIDEO]

The newest trailer released for “WWE 13” sports a gritty and historically referential style. The ad sees Champion CM Punk delivering a dramatic "revolutionary" speech with gritty camera effects.
The video was posted to YouTube Monday for the game, which will be released to stores on Oct. 30. It is the first advertisement for the game that doesn’t focus on the new Attitude Era mode. Though the game's tagline is “Live the Revolution” and the cover sports the modern wrestler Punk, the game and the majority of buzz surrounding it have been focused on a nostalgic appeal.
Other commercials for the game have featured Mike Tyson, D-Generation X, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Rock. All of these focused on the late 1990s era that saw some of the most controversial content the professional wrestling company has ever produced.
Now game developers THQ have brought the movement back to life, but by downplaying what’s new in the videogame. The latest trailer brings those aspects to the forefront, with its own style from the Straight Edge Superstar.
In the champion’s emphatic speech delivered in the game’s commercials, he states that he “put attitude back where it belongs,” before commanding viewers to join him and “live the revolution.” The charismatic and villainous Punk is followed by an announcer, who introduces the games new features, like how it has the largest roster of wrestlers ever.
The games modern roster features Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Brodus Clay, Chris Jericho, Christian, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, Epico, The Great Khali, Heath Slater, Hunico, Jack Swagger, JBL, Jinder Mahal, John Cena (plus Doctor of Thuganomics attire), John Laurinaitis, Justin Gabriel, Kane, Kevin Nash, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, The Miz, Primo, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, The Rock, R-Truth, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Ted DiBiase, Triple H, The Undertaker, Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder, AJ Lee, Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix, Brie Bella, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Kharma and Nikki Bella.
The late '90s roster for the game includes Big Boss Man, Billy Gunn, Bradshaw (APA), Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Cactus Jack (Mick Foley), Chris Jericho (Y2J), Christian (Edge & Christian), Dude Love (Mick Foley), Eddie Guerrero, Edge (Edge & Christian), Faarooq (APA), The Godfather, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Mankind (Mick Foley), Mark Henry (Nation of Domination), Mike Tyson, Mr. McMahon and "The Big Show" Paul Wight.
There is also an Austin 3:16 version of the game that includes a copy of “WWE 13” along with bonus content. The game seeks to appeal beyond the usual buyers who watch professional wrestling now to those fans who may not have watched in more than a decade.
The game will also feature new Predator 2.0 technology to improve gameplay. In-game features along with the Attitude Era mode will include an "I Quit" match, where a player must force his opponent to verbally quit via a mini-game, and the King of the Ring tournament, according to
Players will be able to make their own King of the Ring tournament that can consist of four, eight or 16 competitors in any variation of matches. The wrestlers can be chosen by random or selected individually, and there is a specialized cut scene for the winner of the tournament.
The "I Quit" match will prompt players to call over the referee when their opponent is down. Once the ref approaches, a mini-game begins to determine whether or not the match ends, and it gets harder as game characters become more damaged.
The game is available for pre-order now.
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