• The bill went into effect immediately
  • Guv. Cuomo said it was in response to the "growing attitude of intolerance and hate" in the U.S.
  • He said the bill will undergo "technical changes" to avoid infringing on free speech

New York Guv. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law Tuesday, which bans the state of New York from "selling or displaying symbols of hate," including confederate flags and tokens of White supremacy.

The bill, which went into effect immediately, bans the Confederate flags and Swastikas from being displayed on the state-owned property as well as events that receive government funding.

It also prohibited "the state of New York from selling or displaying symbols of hate or any similar image, or tangible personal property, inscribed with such an image unless the image appears in a book, digital medium, museum or serves an educational or historical purpose."

"The term "symbols of hate" shall include, but not be limited to, symbols of White supremacy, neo-Nazi ideology, or the battle flag of the Confederacy," the bill read.

The edict defined the term the Confederate flag as "a symbol of racism, exclusion, oppression, and violence towards African Americans." "Its public display is designed only to instill fear, intimidation, and a direct threat of violence towards others."

State Sen. Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx), who introduced the bill, said in a statement that it aims to promote tolerance among communities in the rest of the country, the New York Post reported.

"This bill allows New York State to lead by example, and discourage the perpetuation of symbols that do not represent our values of justice and inclusion. Today we say no to hate," Biaggi said.

The Confederate flag, first devised by the Confederate Army in 1861 during the American Civil War, is seen as an emblem of White supremacy movements. The displaying of Confederate flags has long been controversial, with many people around the country associating it with racism, slavery, intimidation of African-Americans and treason.

Cuomo said the bill was rolled out in response to the "growing attitude of intolerance and hate" in the country, which he referred to as "American cancer," the New York Post reported.

"By limiting the display and sale of the confederate flag, Nazi swastika and other symbols of hatred from being displayed or sold on state property, including the state fairgrounds, this will help safeguard New Yorkers from the fear-installing effects of these abhorrent symbols," he stated.

Cuomo said the bill will probably need to undergo "certain technical changes" to avoid infringing on people’s free speech protected by the First Amendment in American Constitution.

Confederate Flag
The Confederate flag, pictured June 23, 2015 flying in Columbia, South Carolina, Amazon Video plans to release "Black America" as a response to HBO's "Confederate." Getty Images