New York City DOE Wants To Ban Chocolate Milk From Public Schools

Nine years after being urged to do so by the New York City Green Schools Alliance, the New York City Department of Education (DOE) has finally come around to consider banning chocolate milk from the city’s public schools on health concerns due to their high sugar content.
NYC Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza is leading the push for a white-milk-only policy, according to sources in the DOE cited by The New York Post. Carranza also successfully fought for the elimination of chocolate milk when he headed the San Francisco Unified School District. The ban on flavored milk was implemented in San Francisco after Carranza left in 2016.
The NYC Department of Health reveals 8 ounces of chocolate skim milk currently served to kids at local public schools contains 120 calories and 20 grams of sugar, of which 8 grams are added sugar. On the other hand, eight ounces of skim white milk only has 90 calories and 12 grams of sugar. It carries no additional sugar. Milk also provides the calcium, protein and vitamin D children need.
Four in 10 of NYC’s children are either overweight or obese.
“Our priority is the health and well-being of our students, and every day, we offer a variety of healthy, delicious, and free meal options that exceed USDA standards,” said DOE in a statement.
“We look forward to discussing our menu with these members of Congress.”
In 2006, milk options for NYC public school students were limited to low-fat and nonfat milk.
One DOE source cited by the Post said the thinking in the department is NYC school children “are already getting too much sugar, why are they getting it in their milk?’’
The same source said DOE bosses “are discussing what to do and how to do it.’’
DOE pointed out a final decision on the chocolate milk hasn’t yet been made. This hesitation might also be due to opposition from chocolate milk makers and their allies in the New York City Council. The city has resisted banning chocolate milks due to stiff opposition by these chocolate milk firms and a surprisingly influential portion of parents.
Some of these parents claim taking away chocolate milk will lower their kids’ milk intake, which will allegedly hurt their health.
In 2010, the NYC Green Schools Alliance proposed New York City schools banish chocolate milk from the city’s public schools because the daily consumption of sweetened drinks has no place in a child’s diet. The alliance said the chocolate milk served daily to New York City’s schoolchildren at the time contained 22 grams of sugar, which is more sugar than half a can of coke. Chocolate milk is also sweetened with high-fructose corn-syrup (HFCS), which has been linked to intestinal cancerous tumors.

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