New York Governor Kathy Hochul speaks during a news conference regarding new gun laws in New York

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has taken decisive action to protect children and adolescents from the potential harms of social media algorithms by signing into law the "Safe for Kids Act," a measure aimed at curbing their negative impacts. In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Hochul expressed grave concerns over the distress algorithms cause among young users, characterizing them as manipulative and addictive.

The legislation, scheduled to be enforced after a 180-day period following clarification of regulatory details by New York Attorney General Letitia James, imposes stringent restrictions on social media platforms. These include limits on "addictive feeds" targeted at users under 18 and a ban on notifications related to such content from midnight to 6 a.m. without parental consent. Additionally, the law mandates the implementation of new tools for age verification and parental oversight, overseen by the state's attorney general.

According to a recent poll by Siena College, an overwhelming 70% of New Yorkers approve of the law, signaling broad bipartisan support for measures aimed at safeguarding children online. The survey underscores widespread agreement on the necessity of legislative intervention to mitigate social media's adverse effects on youth.

7News reported that alongside the enactment of the "Safe for Kids Act," Governor Hochul's decision has sparked significant public debate. The law's supporters argue it empowers parents to make informed decisions about their children's online interactions, while critics contend it infringes on personal liberties and parental rights. Hochul, however, highlighted the grassroots support from parents as pivotal in shaping the legislation, emphasizing their role in advocating for stricter regulations.

The new law reflects a broader national discourse on regulating digital platforms' influence on young people, coinciding with similar initiatives proposed elsewhere in the United States. Governor Hochul's administration remains committed to overseeing the implementation and enforcement of these regulations, aiming to ensure compliance and protect the mental well-being of New York's youth.