'No Man's Sky' PC Performance Guide: 3 Tips To Fix The Game's Framerate And Stutter Problems

“No Man’s Sky” launched on PC yesterday, and many gamers have reported framerate issues and stuttering during gameplay. Given just a few hours of analysis, here’s a performance guide with three fixes that have helped many players enjoy the game!
NOTE: These fixes are temporary and are only intended for those with average knowledge of PC use. Readers without confidence in their skills should simply wait for the next official patch.
Disable G-Sync
G-Sync is a feature made by NVIDIA to improve visuals on high-quality monitors that support it. If you know your monitor does not use G-Sync, then disabling it can offer a huge boost in performance. Some users are reporting frame rates as high as 120 fps as opposed to 60. Here’s how to turn it off.
Navigate to the following location using Windows Explorer:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonNo Man's SkyBinariesSETTINGS
There, you’ll find a file called "TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML.” Right click on it and open with Notepad. A list of graphics options should appear, with many of them set to “true” or “false.” Just below Vsync is a heading for Gsync. Set the value to “false” and save the document.
Thanks to -= Qweets =- on Steam for the help!
Changing Priorities In Task Manager
This tip isn’t the most recommended one in this guide, but it’s still been known to help.
- 1) Right click anywhere on the desktop and select New > Shortcut.
Type the following command in the location box:
cmd.exe /c start "No Man’s Sky" /High "C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonNo Man's SkyBinariesNMS.exe." After that, name it what you want and hit finish.
From there the shortcut should work, but there are a few optional cosmetic changes if you want the stock icon to show.
- Right click the newly made icon and select Properties
- In the Shortcut tab, click change Icon. In the “look for icons in this file” box, paste the following:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonNo Man's SkyBinariesNMS.exe - The stock Atlas icon should show. Select it and hit OK.
If the above steps don’t work, some small tweaks may be required based on where “No Man’s Sky” is installed on your PC. Additionally, you can use this guide here.
Beta NVIDIA Drivers / New Drivers
The biggest tip for PC performance that Hello Games officially offers is to make sure your graphics drivers are updated. To do that, navigate to the linked drivers page that corresponds to your GPU. It’s usually NVIDIA or AMD. The selections made next are hardware-specific, so we can’t be of much help.
For NVIDIA cards specifically, users have reported a performance boost using certain beta drivers that can be downloaded here. Make sure they are compatible with your hardware before proceeding!
In addition to PC, “No Man’s Sky” is also available on PS4.
Did the tips in this guide improve your framerate and stuttering problems? Do you have any performance advice to share? Tell us in the comments section!
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