Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waits to hear testimony from Michael Cohen before the House Oversight Committee on Capitol Hill on Feb. 27, 2019 in Washington, DC. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images


  • AOC rips Trump for again repeating the same, old defense of his phone call with Zelensky (a "perfect phone call")
  • Infers Trump is a spoiled brat who hasn't been held accountable for anything
  • Angry Republicans slam AOC for her tweet, calls her a "bartender elected to Congress"

President Donald Trump's stock-in-trade defense against charges he abused his office and obstructed Congress in the festering Ukraine quid-pro-quo scandal is he's being impeached, or has been impeached, because he made a "perfect phone call."

No one knows what Trump exactly means when he says "perfect phone call." The facts and evidence show the call as anything but perfect. During a phone call on July 25, 2019, Trump pressured Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to launch investigations into his political rivals, including former vice president Joe Biden. Witnesses and evidence presented during Trump's impeachment inquiry in the House point to Trump's quid-pro-quo-with Zelensky. That is, Trump would release Congressionally-mandated U.S. military aid for Ukraine in exchange for Zelensky publicly announcing a Ukrainian investigation into coruption in Ukraine by Biden and his son, Hunter.

The anonymous whistleblower filed his complaint about this illegal deal with the Department of Justice on August 12. This complaint triggered the train of events leading to the House's impeachment inquiries in October and November and Trump's impeachment on Dec. 18, 2019. All this grief because of what Trump continues to claim is a "perfect phone call."

Formalities ahead of Senate impeachment trial set for January 21 began Thursday and Trump took this occasion to tweet in all caps, "GOT IMPEACHED FOR MAKING A PERFECT PHONE CALL."

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a very vocal social media Trump critic, decided to reply to Trump's latest rant using his perfect phone call defense.

She tweeted back, "This is what silver spoon kids that are never held accountable for anything sound like. AKA very strong “Mom, yell at my teacher to bump my grade up."

Social media reactions to this AOC tweet by the most famous member of "The Squad" mirrored the partisan political divide splitting the country apart.

Trumpers were aghast at AOC's tirade. A woman claiming she'd run for a House seat as a Republican tweeted, "Or the response by the leader of the free world who has done absolutely nothing wrong, and who has been put through the most ridiculous impeachment sham our Country has ever witnessed -- thanks to you and your radical friends in Washington." To which she received a mass of derisive response tweets in return.

A Republican who said his expertise is to create memes supporting Trump tweeted, "This what it sounds like when a bartender is elected to Congress. AKA 'handing out half-assed advice about things you know nothing about between jello shots' energy." A Trump lover tweeted a disgusting side-by-side photo of AOC and a jackass.

Not to be outdone, the tribe of non-Trumpers struck back. Walter Shaub, former director of the United States Office of Government Ethics, tweeted: "a grown man talking about a 'perfect phone call' would be embarrassing if anyone involved had the sense to be embarrassed."

Another said, "If he really believes it was a perfect phone call, then he might meet legal criteria for insanity." Still another tweet read, "This is the first time in 73 years Trump is being held responsible for his actions. That's why he doesn't get it."