Online Calculator Shows What Would Happen If A Black Hole Devours Earth

A particle physicist created an online tool that can calculate what would happen to massive cosmic objects if they get sucked into a black hole. The calculator also revealed the unimaginable energy that would be produced by a collision between Milky Way’s black hole and Earth.
The online tool, known as the Omni Calculator, was created by Alvaro Diez from Poland’s University of Warsaw. According to Diez, the developed the calculator to help the public get a better understanding of the nature of black holes.
It works by calculating the energy that would be produced by the collision of two objects. Through the Omni Calculator, users can input various data such as the masses of the black hole and the impacting object. The radius of the event horizon, which is the point of no return in black holes, can also be customized through the calculator.
Using the Omni Calculator, a collision between Earth and the black hole at the center of Milky Way, which is four million times more massive than the Sun, would produce energy of over 32.2 decillion megajoules.
According to Diez, the aftermath of such a collision would be too big to comprehend.
“These events are so huge we couldn’t even begin to comprehend the size,” he told Newsweek. “There’s not really much more context for such a huge amount.”
“Black holes are so compact and hence, have such strong gravity around them that the speeds, forces and energies related to anything that gets close to them are just out of our imagination,” Diez added.
Before the collision, Earth will first get subjected to the intense gravitational pull of a black hole if one appears next to the planet. According to Kevin Pimbblet, a senior physics lecturer at the University of Hull, Earth will go through a process known as spaghettification, which is defined as the vertical stretching of objects into thin and long shapes.
“What would happen, hypothetically, of a black hole appeared out of nowhere next to Earth?” Pimbblet wrote in The Conversation. “The same gravitational effects that produced spaghettification would start to take effect here.”
“The edge of the Earth closest to the black hole would feel a much stronger force than the far side,” he continued. “As such, the doom of the entire planet would be at hand. We would be pulled apart.”
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