Deceased terrorist Osama bin Laden and his henchmen were probably addicted to pornography, if the huge cache of pornographic movies unearthed in his hideout is anything to go by.

According to the U.S. officials, Navy SEALS who seized bin Laden's laptop, thumb drives and documents (both printed and handwritten), also came across a huge trove of pornographic videos stashed in a wooden box in his bedroom. Reuters, to whom the U.S. officials spoke on condition of anonymity, did not mention whether the sleaze collection was commercial or home made.

The officials said they were not sure whether the smut collection belonged to bin Laden and whether he even viewed them. They pointed out, however, that discovery of pornographic materials and their confiscation during raids on Islamic militants are not uncommon.

What makes discovery of pornographic videos in bin Laden's compound interesting is that the Al Qaeda founder-leader always positioned himself as the leader of a religious war against Western culture. Interestingly, however, pornography doesn't seem to be in the list of Western sins that he was up against.

Interestingly, it was earlier reported that Avena syrup - a botanical product often used as natural Viagra - was found in his hideout. bin Laden has five wives and has fathered twenty children.

Currently, U.S. officials are interrogating bin Laden's wives, who potentially could provide details about life at bin Laden's compound and describe who came and went.

One question perhaps they'll be asking is how porn made it to the secluded compound, which had no mail service, phones or Internet connectivity. Through one of his courier boys, perhaps?