Overwatch 2 - Lucio
Lucio's classic skin in Overwatch 2 Overwatch 2


  • Amplify is an important cooldown that should not be wasted
  • Lucio's effectiveness mostly depends on who he is teamed up with
  • He can be used as a secondary flanker to attack backline carries

Lucio is a support hero with a unique playstyle, even among "Overwatch 2's" roster of heroes. He's also one of the heroes who were greatly impacted by the shift to a 5v5 format simply due to the nature of how the game works.

For players who are looking for a healer with a fast and aggressive playstyle, Lucio is able to tick both those boxes and more.

"Overwatch 2" Lucio Guide

First, it's important to understand where Lucio fits in a team. He is primarily a healer who can restore health for all allies within range of his songs. However, he can also be played as a brawler who can harass the enemy backliners, force important targets into unfavorable spots or outright eliminate weaker opponents.

Lucio's main role in a team will depend entirely on who the second healer is using. If an ally is using Mercy or Zenyatta to pocket for a single teammate, then Lucio will need to pay more attention to his other teammates to make sure they are always topped off on health.

Overwatch 2 - Lucio heal
Proper use of Amplify is mandatory when playing as Lucio Overwatch 2

Alternatively, if the other healer is using Baptiste or Ana, then Lucio should try to balance offense and defense. However, when partnered with the likes of Brigitte, Kiriko or Moira, then players should be more aggressive than usual.

The same logic applies to who the rest of the team is using. Always match Lucio's tempo to the beat of the team to make the most use of his generalist playstyle.

Lucio Tips and Tricks

Crossfade is Lucio's signature ability, and learning when to amplify it will dictate his overall effectiveness in a match. Amplifying movement speed should only be used when bringing teammates back from spawn to the frontline or when diving hard into the enemy team. As for healing, amplify it whenever the team needs it.

Lucio deals surprising damage with Soundwave followed by his primary attack. The knockback forces enemies into a backward arc, making them easy to land all four shots within his primary fire's burst.

Try not to dive too deep into the enemy team. Most of Lucio's value comes from Crossfade and Amplify. If there are no teammates to take advantage of it, then Lucio won't be as useful. Players who want to eliminate backline carries as a support should use Kiriko or Moira instead.

Overwatch 2 - Lucio Soundwave
Lucio can boop enemies off of ledges with Soundwave Overwatch 2