'Overwatch 2' Support Guide: Moira Tips And Tricks

- Moira can effectively duel squishy divers like Genji and Sombra
- Players must carefully consider when to heal and deal damage
- Moira is a safe pick who can easily escape from risky situations
Moira is a very unique "Overwatch 2" hero who is constantly teetering between the roles of a DPS and support character. She is capable of easily dishing out tons of healing and damage while also staying safe from the game's most notorious divers.
Winning with Moira isn't as simple as spamming her damage abilities, though. Carefully shifting between both her intended roles is crucial if players want to be useful to their team.
"Overwatch 2" Moira Guide
First, it's important to understand Moira's duality. She's excellent at keeping herself and her allies alive while putting the other team down. However, she can't do both at the same time unless she's using her ultimate.
There is always a trade-off when picking between Moira's two roles. Her main ability, Biotic Grasp, uses up her resource bar when she heals, and it can be restored more rapidly when she uses the skill's alternate fire.

The same trade-off applies to the rest of her kit. As such, players need to quickly analyze how a fight is going and decide if the team needs healing or that extra bit of damage to secure victory.
Moira Tips and Tricks
Biotic Orb is especially useful in confined spaces because of its ability to bounce off surfaces. Also, keep in mind that each orb has flat values: Damage Orb deals up to 200 damage, while Healing Orb restores up to 300 health. They will fizzle out once they meet these thresholds.
Fade is a very powerful escape and dueling tool. Use its short window of opportunity to dodge incoming attacks and be as unpredictable as possible. When getting dove by a DPS hero, try fading behind them or lure them into a tight area where Biotic Orb is most useful.
Coalescence is most effective when Moira is with her team. By having teammates nearby, she will be able to heal and deal damage simultaneously, and the enemy team will have a harder time sniping or stunning Moira.
One final note: Moira is an excellent counter versus Genji and, to an extent, Sombra, thanks to Biotic Grasp's tether-style attack and its self-healing effect.

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