'Overwatch' Leak? Doomfist, Single-Player Mode, May Event And More [UPDATE: 'EVENT 6' Found In PTR Code]

A new Overwatch leak claims the next three heroes will be Doomfist, Bria and Ivon and there will be a new event coming in the end of March. 4chan user QAAustinAutist claims to work on the Overwatch Quality Assurance team in Austin and leaked the Doomfist “spider robot” information back before Orisa was announced. I don’t believe this leak is very credible, but it’s still worth taking a look.

Doomfist- The next hero in Overwatch will be Doomfist, the angry robot puncher that leaves a field of destruction in his wake. The leak says that Doomy will be on the PTR very soon, “days not months,” and is a counter to tanks with a lot of health. He’s going to have “a charge and grapple ability” and his ultimate will be an AoE that knocks enemies down and deals more damage depending on who’s in the center. “Think Augustus Cole from the Gears Of War series.”
Bria- A hero we’ve never heard of or seen before, Bria will (supposedly) make her debut in the third quarter of 2017. She’s still in the concept phase but will enter live testing very soon. She creates walls, like Mei, “designed to lock off certain areas of the map to assist her team.” Bria can even lock down several routes at once. (If this is true, she’s going to be amazing on Temple of Anubis.) The leak says she’s a teenager with a wrist computer, is “blue-yellow” and has a Steampunk style.
Ivon- This guy won’t be seen until the end of 2017, if we even see him at all. He’s a slender man in a suit, holding a pistol and a tablet who can produce swarmbots. I doubt this guy is ever going to get released, even if the leaker is 100 percent right with other predictions. Nanobots that you control “like an RTS” doesn’t sound very Overwatch , or even fun for that matter. I want to shoot, not micromanage my resources.
Next Overwatch Event- The leaker claims the next Overwatch event will be the release of Doomfist and take place on May 24. This date needs to be taken with a whole payload of salt because that’s way too close to the event we just had. Blizzard likes to wait a few weeks before unleashing new content on the world; nearly every event other than Winter Wonderland and Year Of The Rooster occurred months apart from each other. We are just getting over King’s Row; there’s no way Jeff Kaplan would throw Doomfist at us.
UPDATE: A dataminer digging around in Overwatch’s code, might have found proof that a new event is on the way. On the PTR, there are files for every hero referencing “EVENT 6” and code for new cosmetics. Reaper has the most items and according to reddit users it looks like Orisa, Tracer and Sombra could be getting skins as well. There’s code for at least three different maps, though they could just be reskins.
Overwatch’s battlegrounds have gone through temporary changes before, like King’s Row in Winter Wonderland and Hanamura in Year Of The Rooster. This isn’t proof, but an anniversary event for Overwatch could be on it’s way.
Overwatch’s battlegrounds have gone through temporary changes before, like King’s Row in Winter Wonderland and Hanamura in Year Of The Rooster. This isn’t proof, but an anniversary event for Overwatch could be on it’s way.
New Single-Player Mode- After reading this post, the leak lost most of its credibility. It claims that a new single-player experience, similar to Junkenstein’s Terror and King’s Row Uprising is in the works, though it’s still a long way off. At the 2017 Game Developers Conference, Kaplan said it would take a whole team to develop a proper single-player game mode for Overwatch . If it is in the works, it’s still in the very early stages and likely won’t be seen for years.
How do you feel about the leak? Tell us in the comments.
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