A screenshot of the PanGu iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak website.

At a time when renowned iOS hackers remained silent about the release of the iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak, PanGu, a Chinese team of jailbreak developers on Monday released what they claimed to be an untethered jailbreak tool for devices running on iOS 7.1 and iOS 7.1.1.

After PanGu's new iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak surfaced, well-known iOS developers, including iH8sn0w, tested the tool and confirmed its legitimacy. The new tool, which is currently limited to Windows with a Mac version in development, supports many jailbreak tweaks found in Cydia while some other third-party apps are not yet compatible with the new PanGu tool.

Cydia tweaks, such as Zeppelin, FolderEnhancer (iOS 7), f.lux, Barrel and BiteSMS work fine with PanGu, while a set of other tweaks, including Apex 2 (iOS 7), FolderIcons and PasswordPilot, will not support devices that are jailbroken with the PanGu tool, Redmond Pie reported, adding that the list of non-compatible jailbreak tweaks is shorter than that of working tweaks.

In addition, there is another set of tweaks including LockInfo7 and Five Icon Dock that will work partially with the new iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak. According to Redmond Pie, these tweaks may encounter crashes and other issues, while “invariably forcing your device into safe mode.”

The report also pointed toward a list, which includes tweaks that either support or do not support the new PanGu iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak. The list also mentions tweaks that are partially supported by the jailbreak.

Here are the first 50 tweaks on the list. For the complete catalog, click here.

Cydia tweaks that are compatible with the new untethered jailbreak tool. Zoho Sheet