Papillex Celebrates Over 15 Years Of Supporting Women's Health With High Quality Nutritional Supplements
For over 15 years, Papillex has been producing nutritional supplements that contain evidence-based ingredients that support a healthy immune system. While the company's products can help any individual, Papillex was created with women in mind.Papillex was founded in 2008 after Dr. Elizabeth Goldspink, ND helped a close friend respond naturally to repeat abnormal Pap smear results caused by HPV. The conventional standard of care is to "watch and wait" in early-stage cases. Elizabeth wanted to support her friend in being proactive with her health, while she was following her doctor's advice to "watch and wait."
Although Elizabeth was a medical student at the time, with little experience creating healing compounds, she was able to help her friend. This was the starting point for Papillex and Elizabeth's journey to helping many people, especially women, rediscover happiness and health.

In order to develop a solution for her friend and the company's future bestseller, Elizabeth extensively researched and compiled information from medical databases, supplement studies, and had interviews with multinational doctors specializing in HPV and it's related conditions. After centralizing these insights, Elizabeth searched for naturally occurring substances that cause no side effects and have high quality research studies to support their use. In the end, she created a targeted matrix of medicinal mushrooms, herbs, and nutrients.
Although Elizabeth was only trying to support her friend, her decision to spend so much time immersed in the data around HPV became a turning point in her life. Her friend insisted she use her knowledge to share this product, and the resources she had gathered, with the world and help other women too. This motivated Elizabeth to become an entrepreneur despite the fact that she was just beginning medical school.
Elizabeth had already sourced the most potent, pure and effective ingredients that she would be using to commercially produce her first product. Once she acquired an FDA approved laboratory to manufacture them, she worked together with the lab to ensure third party testing of all ingredients and she upheld the highest quality standards in the industry. Elizabeth explored all sourcing locations globally and never sacrificed quality for profit margins to ensure the purity and efficacy of each ingredient.A core tenet of her business is always maintaining integrity and transparency for the people she serves, and never placing profit margins above service.
Once her formulation for Papillex was solidified, Elizabeth began selling her product. She didn't have much knowledge about business, but became successful immediately because her supplement was effective. No money was spent on advertising or marketing, yet sales grew through word of mouth, and through women sharing their stories on online forums.
Papillex grew incrementally for several years, but the last few have been the most notable. This could be due to Elizabeth's decision to widen her product selection. Rather than only offering Papillex®, she added AHCC® which has more than 20 human clinical trials supporting its use for multiple conditions including colds/flus and overall immune support, and Simplix® which contains evidence-based ingredients to support a normal immune response to HSV, the virus that causes cold sores.
During this time, Elizabeth reinvested funding into releasing educational resources like articles and videos that help women understand how they can be proactive with their health and everything that can be done from a lifestyle perspective to support wellness. Education and empowerment are very important for Elizabeth considering her belief in providing proactive options that support wellness on all levels. Papillex was designed to be supportive to conventional treatments and not an alternative to them.
Elizabeth enjoys playing a role in transforming the health of her clients and of those who use the products she has formulated. She is immensely grateful for the thousands of emails and online reviews that customers have written over the last decade showing the positive impact her business has made on their lives. To increase its reach and impact, Papillex is focused on securing partners for a clinical trial, following a successful observational trial that the company recently completed. The wider vision of Papillex after the completion of a clinical trial is to become part of the standard of care to nutritionally support women during the "watch and wait" stage of their HPV journey.