California-based outdoor clothing retailer Patagonia Inc. pledged on Monday to be a part of an "integrated and sustainable plan" to preserve the Vjosa River in Albania.

The Vjosa River was declared a future national park by Albanian officials on Monday with intent to keep the river in its most natural and wild state. Patagonia then signed an agreement with The Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment to preserve and protect it as a park.

"This is an opportunity to protect one of Europe's rivers, really one of the crown jewel rivers of Europe," Ryan Gellert of Patagonia told the Associated Press.

The Albanian government originally had plans to build eight hydropower stations on the river that would have caused environmental damage. The government has since nixed the project.

Patagonia will be joined by environmental groups, EcoAlbania, Riverwatch and EuroNatur. The groups plan to create "awareness around the world of this natural beauty."

"The agreement is a serious step toward starting a joint project of many actors, not only of the government, in building up the national park," Olsi Nika of EcoAlbania told the AP.

The eco-friendly company has a history of supporting these projects. Patagonia also has a 1% self-imposed Earth tax that provides support to support additional environmental non-profits.

“For almost 40 years, Patagonia has supported grassroots groups working to find solutions to the environmental crisis,” Patagonia said on its website.