Patton Oswalt's Facebook Reaction To Boston Marathon Explosion And Celebrity Tweets About The Tragedy

“Boston. F**king horrible:” this is how actor Patton Oswalt began his Facebook post about the Boston Marathon Explosion on Monday.
Oswalt brought up 9/11 and how he had “had it with humanity,” but eventually turned his concentration towards all of the brave people who run into the destruction instead of away from it.
“You watch the videos of the carnage and there are people running TOWARDS the destruction to help out,” he said. “… The vast majority stand against that darkness and, like white blood cells attacking a virus, they dilute and weaken and eventually wash away the evil doers and, more importantly, the damage they wreak.”
Oswalt's reaction to the tragedy was shared nearly 90,000 times on Facebook and had more than 100,000 likes.
While the “Young Adult” star needed more than 140 characters to speak his mind, celebrities like Donnie Wahlberg, Mandy Moore, Maria Menounos and Tom Bergeron took to Twitter sharing their sentiments and prayers.
New Kids on the Block member Joey McIntyre, who was running in the marathon, missed the explosision by a few minutes, he said.
“There was an explosion by the finish line about 5 minutes after I finished- I'm ok but I'm sure there are many hurt.”
His bandmates, Donnie Wahlberg and Jordan Knight, tweeted to let their fans know McIntyre wasn’t injured in the tragedy.
“Just heard that @joeymcintyre is ok! Thanks to everyone for tweeting! Scared for everyone else in Boston.#PrayerForBoston please,” Wahlberg wrote.
The following is a slew of tweets by celebrites who voiced their concerend about the Boston Marathon tragedy:
Such a senseless and tragic day. My family and I send our love to our beloved and resilient Boston.
— Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) April 15, 2013
thoughts and prayers are with everybody in boston. heartbreaking...
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) April 15, 2013
In contact with family members in Boston near Marathon site. All OK. Thoughts are with everyone touched by this nightmare.
— Tom Bergeron (@Tom_Bergeron) April 15, 2013
keep getting overwhelmed w/tears.the photos are devastating.god bless those affected&our first u boston my heart is w/u all
— maria menounos (@mariamenounos) April 15, 2013
Sending thoughts, prayers and love to everyone in Boston.....
— Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore) April 15, 2013
My heart is breaking for everyone effected or injured in the explosion at the Boston Marathon. God bless you all! My prayers are with you!
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) April 15, 2013
Shaken… My thoughts and prayers are with the city of Boston and those affected by this tragedy.
— Alicia Keys (@aliciakeys) April 15, 2013
My prayers and thoughts are with the victims who lost their lives today at the Boston marathon. Que Dios los tenga en su gloria. ZS
— Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) April 15, 2013
Let's all send our thoughts, our prayers and our energy to the people injured in Boston. My heart is with you.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 15, 2013
Boston PD is saying to get on social media and tell people to stay away fromThe Boston marathon area AND the JFK library. Retweet guys
— Kat Dennings (@OfficialKat) April 15, 2013
Thoughts & prayers go out to Boston. #prayforboston
— Josh Duhamel (@joshduhamel) April 15, 2013
There are just no words. Stay safe Boston, stay strong.
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) April 15, 2013
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