A Rhode Island woman suffered injuries and her pet dog died after two loose canines attacked them during a walk.

Brenda Hardrow was walking her pet dog, a Pomeranian named Sugar, when the two canines, described as put bulls, attacked them. In an attempt to save her pet, Hardrow picked it up, however, the canines continued to attack them.

Recalling the incident, she said, “They came barrelling at me. I mean, just running full force. After I was yelling and people came out, the dogs ran away. I had my dog, and she was already dead.”

Hardrow was rushed to a nearby hospital where she was treated for non-life threatening injuries. She said though she will recover physically in a few a weeks, it will take her several months to recover emotionally.

“I can’t get her face out of my mind. I can’t get what happened out of my head,” she said.

Meanwhile, animal control located the two canines and took them away. The incident was under investigation and Hardrow said she was planning to take legal action against the owner of the canines.

Residents of the area were were shocked.

“I was surprised because I've seen the dogs before and they've never done anything. They stayed quiet and in the yard,” explained area resident Quiana Moyet.

Antero Barbosa, another resident said, “I didn't even know there were a couple of pit bulls around here.”

District Three City Councilman Terry Mercer said a similar incident took place a year ago. Speaking about the previous incident, he said, “She picked up her dog. It was ripped from her arms. She was bitten, the dog was killed right in her hands and she's been traumatized ever since.”

Pomeranian dog
Representational image OLI SCARFF/AFP/Getty Images