The Westboro Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church, known for its strong stance against homosexuality. Founded in 1955, it is led by Fred Phelps and his family out of Kansas. It has less than 100 members currently.
They are infamous for protesting soldiers' funerals by carrying signs that say God Hates Fags and thank God for dead soldiers.
The group, condemned by mainstream Christianity, frequently uses funerals to support what they believe is the manifested will of God.
On January 15, 2006, Westboro members also protested a memorial for 2006 Sago Mine disaster victims, saying that the mining accident was God's revenge against America for its tolerance of homosexuality.
The church describes itself as following Primitive Baptist and Calvinist principles, although mainstream Primitive Baptists reject the Westboro and Phelps.
On Wednesday, the group sent out a press release announcing their intention to picket at Ryan Dunn's funeral.
MTV star Dunn, 34, was killed in a car accident on June 20 that involved speeding and drunk driving. Another individual in his passenger seat died as well.
The Westboro Baptist Church, in a press release, stated:
This arrogant jackass, famous for his 'vulgar stunts' at which this nation snickered, died in a car accident in Goshen, PA (one of the most evil states to ever exist) after tweeting a picture of himself & two friends drinking - just hours before a 3 AM high-speed crash left him & his passenger dead & in flames. This is no prank! In His wrath, God cut off this young man in the prime of his life, because he made a mock of sin, and taught his fellow man to grievously sin against God!
God will not acquit an arrogant, proud, filth-loving sinner, who spent every ounce of every resource God gave him to pimp grotesque, nasty (and not even slightly funny) sin!
Ryan Dunn will be laid down to rest at the DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home in Pennsylvania on June 25. A public memorial service will be announced at a later date.
READ: Ryan Dunn Death: Jackass star cheated death once but not second time READ: Ryan Dunn Dead: Westboro says Jackass star in eternal torment, but did he deserve to die?
Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan has said it plans to protest at any public event in memory of Dunn.ReutersStudents from Park City High School hold signs across from members of the Westboro Baptist Church protesting the upcoming premiere of "Red State" during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 23, 2011.ReutersMembers from the Westboro Baptist Church protest the upcoming premiere of "Red State" during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 23, 2011.ReutersStudents from Park City High School hold signs across from members of the Westboro Baptist Church protesting the upcoming premiere of "Red State" during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 23, 2011. ReutersMembers of the Westboro Baptist church (L) leave their protest of the screening of "Red State" at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 23, 2011. ReutersMembers of the Westboro Baptist church protest the screening of "Red State" at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 23, 2011. ReutersDirector of the movie "Red State" Kevin Smith joins the counter-protest as members of the Westboro Baptist church protest his film screening at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 23, 2011. ReutersA Westboro Baptist Church member protests during the funeral for Elizabeth Edwards in Raleigh, North Carolina on December 11, 2010. Members of various groups opposed to the church have rallied to create a "human buffer" to shield the Edwards family from the church's demonstration against Elizabeth Edwards, blaming her for her own death and that of her late son Wade, according to local media. The Topeka, Kansas-based church is headed by founder Rev. Chris Phelps and has recently picketed funerals of fallen U.S. military personnel. ReutersLulzFinancial, an off-shoot of "hacktivist" group Anonymous, went after Westboro Baptist Church this week for threatening to picket the funeral of Charlie and Braden Powell, the two boys murdered by their father Josh Powell earlier this week. Hackers shut down the church's two main sites and leaked contact information on all its members, including phone numbers and home addresses.ReutersVietnam War veterans form part of a line to block an anti-gay protest held by members of the Westboro Baptist Church (rear, hidden) at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on Veterans Day, November 11, 2010. Reuters