'Pokemon Omega Ruby' And 'Alpha Sapphire': Find Mega Stone Locations Here

“Pokemon Omega Ruby” and “Alpha Sapphire” reached Nintendo’s portable 3DS on Friday, and the two role-playing games contain more than 700 Pokemon and are part of the sixth generation of “Pokemon” series, a franchise created in 1996 and published by Nintendo.
Mega stones allow Pokemon to Mega evolve and were introduced in 2013’s “Pokemon X and Y.” It’s been confirmed that all of the stones from “X and Y” can be found in “Omega Ruby” and “Alpha Sapphire.” For the locations, check out the video below.
You can also view all of the locations here, courtesy of iDigitalTimes.
Mega Beedrill - Beedrillite
Sea Mauville
Mega Pidgeot - Pidgeotite
In Rustboro City, you can show Mr. Stone -- Steven’s father -- the Intriguing Stone. He will reward you with this special Mega Stone.
Mega Slowbro - Slowbroite
In the Shoal Cave, collect four Shoal salts and four Shoal shells and give it to the man asking for them.
Mega Steelix - Steelixite
If you have the Japanese version of the ORAS demo, you can transfer over your Mega Steelix
Granite Cave
Mega Glalie - Glalieite
If you have the North American version of the ORAS demo, you can transfer over your Mega Glalie to your game.
Shoal Cave basement
Mega Sceptile - Sceptilite
If starter Pokemon, you’ll get the Mega Stone on Route 120.
Route 114 Stone Salesman
Mega Blaziken - Blazikinite
If starter Pokemon, you’ll get the Mega Stone on Route 120.
Route 114 Stone Salesman
Mega Swampert - Swampertite
If starter Pokemon, you’ll get the Mega Stone on Route 120.
Route 114 Stone Salesman
Mega Sableye - Sableyeite
Sootopolis City
Mega Altaria - Altariatite
In Lilycove City, show the Collector your Altaria
Mega Sharpedo - Sharpedoite
Battle Resort (Omega Ruby)
Aqua Hideout during the Delta Episode (Alpha Sapphire)
Mega Camerupt - Camerupite
Battle Resort (Alpha Sapphire)
Magma Hideout during the Delta Episode (Omega Ruby)
Mega Salamence - Salamencite
Meteor Falls from Zinnia’s grandmother
Mega Metagross - Metagrossite
Download your Shiny Beldum that is holding the Mega Stone
Defeat Steven the Champion after rematch in the Pokemon League
Mega Latios - Latiosite
Littleroot Town from your mother (Alpha Sapphire)
On Latios (Omega Ruby)
Mega Latias - Latiasite
Littleroot Town from your mother (Omega Ruby)
On Latias (Alpha Sapphire)
Mega Rayquaza
Does not need a Mega Stone
Mega Lopunny - Lopunnyite
Mauville City, from the man in the suit in the Mauville Hills
Mega Gallade - Galladite
From Professor Cozmo after the Delta Episode
Mega Audino - Audinite
Battle Resort from the Looker
Mega Diancie - Diancieite
Transfer Diancie from X and Y and go to any Pokemon Center to receive the Mega Stone.
Primal Evolutions
Primal Kyogre
Mt. Pyre (Omega Ruby)
On Kyogre (Alpha Sapphire)
Primal Groudon
Mt. Pyre (Alpha Sapphire)
On Groudon (Omega Ruby)
X and Y Mega Stones
Mega Charizard X - Charizardite X
- Fiery Path
Mega Charizard Y - Charizardite Y
- Scorched Slab
Mega Venasaur - Venasaurite
- Route 119
Mega Blastoise - Blastoiseite
- SS Tidal
Mega Alakazam
- Slateport City Market
Mega Gengar
- Battle Resort
Mega Kangaskhan
- Pacifidlog Town
Mega Pinsir
- Route 124
Mega Gyarados
-Route 123 in the mouth of Poochyena
Mega Aerodactyl
- Meteor Falls
Mega Mewtwo X
- Littleroot Town
Mega Mewtwo Y
-Pokemon League
Mega Ampharos
- New Mauville
Mega Scizor
-Petalburg Woods
Mega Heracross
- Route 127
Mega Houndoom
- Lavaridge Town
Mega Tyranitar
- Jagged Pass
Mega Gardevoir
- Verdanturf Town from Wanda
Mega Mawile
- Verdanturf Town
Mega Aggron
- Rusturf Tunnel
Mega Medicham
- Mt. Pyre
Mega Manectric
- Route 110 on Cycling Road
Mega Banette
- Mt. Pyre
Mega Absol
- Safari Zone
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