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As US Fries In Heat Wave, Half A World Away, Eggheads Wonder If Global Warming Is Real

Thousands of miles away, a cadre of international Nobel laureates assembled to discuss global warming were having a, er, heated debate, arguing over data that the vast majority of scientists the world over say shows clear evidence of manmade climate change. But in the steaming streets of Brooklyn, the crowded public pools of Atlanta and the power outage-hit suburbs of Washington, D.C., the discussion was unanimous: It was hot.
Joe Paterno

Joe Paterno Implicated In Penn State Emails

One week after the final chapter in the Penn State child sexual-abuse scandal seemed almost complete with the multiple convictions of the university's football team's retired defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky, emails dating to 2001 have surfaced about the role of former head coach Joe Paterno.
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Bird T---s And Your Car: Beware The Emu Poop

Smart USA employed zoology, statistics, engineering, and some cheeky graphic design to put an obnoxious Twitter follower in the right about the effects of bird doo-doo on cars. Here's the dirt on how much damage bird poop can cause to cars, and which color cars are most subject to aerial bombardment.

China's Space Race: 3 Astronauts, Including First Woman, Return To Earth After Shenzhou 9 Manned Historic Dockings

Three Chinese astronauts, including the first woman, returned to Earth after their manned spaceship successfully docked to another craft in orbit. The Shenzhou 9 space capsule safely parachute landed about 10 a.m. Beijing time Friday in Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China, following a 13-day mission that marked a major stride in China's ambitious space program.
Colorado Springs Fire

Colorado Fires: Waldo Canyon Wildfire Spreads

Colorado's devastating Waldo Canyon wildfire that has burnt down over 6,500 acres of dry timber since Saturday grew ferocious on Wednesday, spreading to an area of 67 square kilometers (26 square miles), while increasing threat for over 20,000 homes and other buildings.
Ronald Poppo and Rudy Eugene

Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts Found In 'Miami Zombie's' Toxicology Test

No traces of bath salts were found in Rudy Eugene's system, the man who is best known as the Miami Causeway Cannibal. Rudy Eugene was soon dubbed as the Miami Zombie, and incited hysteria about a zombie apocalypse after he was taped tearing off nearly 80 percent of a man's face.


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