Nuklai is an innovative layer 1 blockchain infrastructure for collaborative data ecosystems. Nuklai Website/Screenshot


  • Farmers blockchain Farmsent will be the initial use case in the Nuklai-peaq integration
  • A secure and reliable data flow is critical for IoT, including agriculture: Nuklai founder and CEO
  • Nuklai's data infrastructure layer will add a lot of value to the industry: peaq co-founder

Farming is set for an innovative revolution as Nuklai, the world's first on-chain smart data platform designed to transform data sharing and artificial intelligence (AI) model training, announced Thursday its integration with leading layer-1 blockchain for DePIN and Machine real-world assets (RWAs), peaq.

Under the integration, the array of AI and data tools available to DePINS – decentralized physical infrastructure networks – on peaq will be expanded, and Farmsent, the world's first farmers blockchain, will be the initial use case for a promising collaboration that could revolutionize data-driven agriculture.

Matthijs de Vries, founder and CEO of Nuklai, has championed the importance of a system that ensures a secure and reliable data flow for the entire Internet of Things (IoT) sector, including agriculture.

"Secure and seamless flow of reliable data is the lifeblood of the entire IoT sector. This is why I'm excited that Nuklai's smart data infrastructure now integrates with peaq's ecosystem for DePIN innovators. Our joint work on Farmsent is shaping to be a very promising early use case," de Vries said in a statement to International Business Times.

Till Wendler, the co-founder of peaq, is just as thrilled. "The synergy between AI and the Economy of Things is clear and undeniable. Excellent AI and data infrastructure layers such as Nuklai add a lot of value to the ecosystem and unlock more handy tools for buildings – we are excited to see Nuklai join in," he said.

Farmers will have access to Nuklai's specialized smart data infrastructure and leverage the technology's machine learning and data processing capabilities. The goal is to enhance their solutions through quality datasets and industry insights and provide farmers with fair data monetization opportunities.

The peaq integration follows Nuklai's earlier collaboration with Farmsent which saw over 160,000 farmers signing up for DePINS and a marketplace ecosystem that eliminates the need for a middleman. Farmsent uses peaq IDs, but the three-way partnership through Nuklai's integration is set to enhance data sharing and collaboration across the global food supply chain.

"Peaq is home to more than 25 DePINS across ten industries, which are all sitting on troves of valuable data. Nuklai will outfit these projects with the tools they need to start monetizing or leveraging that data, empowering them to do more with their resources. We are thrilled to be going ahead with this integration, positioning Nuklai as the go-to AI layer for DePIN due to peaq's clear lead in this segment," said Jochem Herber, Nuklai's Head of Ecosystem, in a statement to IBT.

Nuklai specializes in blockchain infrastructure that provides institutional partners and data enthusiasts to explore potential new uses for untapped data and generate new revenue streams, while peaq is a recognized leader in blockchain for DePIN as it connects over 400,000 devices, vehicles, machines and Machine RWAs with real-world industries and economies.

The partnership is expected to push the world closer to a next-generation economic model where AI-powered machines and people exchange value through on-chain mechanisms.